adab (Crossword)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Adab” but we did find clues
where “Adab” could be the answer:
- Brylcream portion
- Brylcreem portion
- Gesture of respect
- Hand gesture
- Hardly scads
- Just slightly
- Not much at all
- Not much, as of lotion
- Not much, as of paint
- Not much, as of skin cream
- Not much, as paint
- Not very much
- One little squeeze worth
- Small bit of gel
- Some but not much
- This`ll do ya
- Very little
- Very little, as an amount of cream
- Very little, as cream
- Very little, as of ointment
- Very little, as of salve
- Very little, as paint
Definitions of “adab”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• Ancient Sumerian city located south of Nippur (modern Niffer or Nuffar)
• Islmic concept that became a literary genre distinguished by its broad humanitarian concerns
• (gesture) Adab from Arabic word Aadaab (آداب) meaning respect and politeness
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