afghanistan (Crossword)
AFGHANISTAN - Agriculture is the main source of income in this country |
We didn't find an exact match for “Afghanistan” but this clue may be related:
- Afghanistan is there ( = ASIA)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Afghanistan” but we did find clues
where “Afghanistan” could be the answer:
- Country in Asia
- Asian nation that declared independence in 1919
- Canine country
- Central Asian republic; capital Kabul
- Certain land-locked country
- Country in Central Asia
- Islamic state of afghanistan
- Kabul`s country
- Member state of the United Nations
- Neighbor of China
- Neighbor of Iran
- Neighbor of Pakistan
- Neighbor of Tajikistan
- Neighbor of Turkmenistan
- Neighbor of Uzbekistan
- One end of the Khyber Pass
- Part of Alexander the Great`s conquest, today
- Territories under military occupation
- Where Kabul is
These clues may also be related:
- Afghanistani bread ( = NAAN)
- Afghanistani (6 words, e.g. AFGHAN)
- Afghanistan, Bhutan, Cambodia ( = COUNTRIESINASIA)
- Afghanistan-Pakistan access ( = KHYBER PASS)
- Afghanistan`s western neighbor ( = IRAN)
- Afghanistan`s third-largest city ( = HERAT)
- Afghanistan`s neighbor, on a game board ( = URAL)
- Afghanistan`s neighbor to the west ( = IRAN)
- Afghanistan`s neighbor ( = IRAN)
- Afghanistan`s national airline ( = ARIANA)
Definitions of “afghanistan”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• A republic in central Asia, NW of India and E of Iran. 12
• Human habitation in Afghanistan dates back to the Middle Paleolithic Era
• Islamic State of Afghanistan a mountainous landlocked country in central Asia
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