aioli (Crossword)

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We didn't find an exact match for “Aioli” but this clue may be related:

We didn't find answers to the clue “Aioli” but we did find clues where “Aioli” could be the answer:
  1. Aioli sauce
  2. Alternative to tartar sauce
  3. Bouillabaisse condiment
  4. Bouillabaisse go-with
  5. Bunch of papers
  6. Catalan cuisine
  7. Classic French dish
  8. Classic French cuisine
  9. Classic French grub
  10. Classic French nosh
  11. Classic French chow
  12. Classic French scran
  13. Classic French fare
  14. Classic French special
  15. Creamy, savory spread
  16. Dip for sweet potato fries
  17. Dip in sea, at last, before 10.51
  18. Dressing is perfect with stems of broccoli
  19. Fancy French mayo
  20. Fancy mayo
  21. Fancy mayonnaise
  22. Fancy spread
  23. Fish garnish
  24. Fish sandwich topping
  25. Fish taco garnish
  26. Fish topping
  27. Fish wrap spread
  28. French condiment
  29. French garlic sauce
  30. French mayonnaise
  31. French sauce served with fish
  32. French fare
  33. French cuisine
  34. French special
  35. French chow
  36. French nosh
  37. French grub
  38. French scran
  39. French dish
  40. Garlic mayo
  41. Garlic mayonnaise
  42. Garlic sauce
  43. Garlic sauce Danilo Alvim had regularly
  44. Garlic-and-olive-oil sauce
  45. Garlic-egg-oil sauce
  46. Garlic-flavored dressing
  47. Garlic-flavored mayo
  48. Garlic-flavored mayonnaise
  49. Garlic-seasoned mayo
  50. Garlic, egg and oil sauce
  51. Garlicky condiment
  52. Garlicky dressing
  53. Garlicky fish garnish
  54. Garlicky French dressing
  55. Garlicky French sauce
  56. Garlicky garnish
  57. Garlicky mayo
  58. Garlicky mayonnaise
  59. Garlicky sandwich topping
  60. Garlicky sauce
  61. Garlicky spread
  62. Garlicky topping for fish
  63. It`s said Daedalus should pay Bruce for dressing
  64. Mayo perfect, oil imperfect
  65. Mediterranean spread
  66. Modern French dish
  67. Modern French fare
  68. Modern French cuisine
  69. Modern French grub
  70. Modern French nosh
  71. Modern French scran
  72. Modern French chow
  73. Modern French special
  74. Need for some fish dishes
  75. Party dip
  76. Provencal mayonnaise
  77. Provençal sauce
  78. Pungent dressing
  79. Pungent fish garnish
  80. Pungent fish topper
  81. Pungent garnish
  82. Pungent mayo
  83. Sauce
  84. Sauce commonly served with seafood
  85. Sauce made with garlic and olive oil
  86. Sauce of Provence
  87. Sauce often made with lemon juice
  88. Sauce served with fish
  89. Sauce served with fish soup
  90. Sauce that`s a Scrabble vowel dump
  91. Sauce that`s heavy on garlic and vowels
  92. Spanish cuisine
  93. Spicy fish topping
  94. Spicy haddock spread
  95. Spicy mayo
  96. Spread on a fish taco
  97. Sub spread
  98. Suspension in a kitchen
  99. Traditional French dish
  100. Traditional French cuisine
  101. Traditional French grub
  102. Traditional French scran
  103. Traditional French fare
  104. Traditional French chow
  105. Traditional French special
  106. Traditional French nosh
  107. Typical French scran
  108. Typical French cuisine
  109. Typical French grub
  110. Typical French dish
  111. Typical French fare
  112. Typical French special
  113. Typical French nosh
  114. Typical French chow
  115. Vowel-laden French sauce
  116. Word from the Catalan for `garlic oil`

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Definitions of “aioli”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.

• Garlic-flavoured mayonnaise
• A cold egg and oil emulsion with olive oil and garlic
• (eye-YO-lee) - (French) The French word for garlic is "ail
• A garlic-flavored mayonnaise of Provence, served with fish and seafood and often with vegetables

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