anime (Crossword)

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We didn't find answers to the clue “Anime” but we did find clues where “Anime” could be the answer:
  1. `Pokemon` genre
  2. Action-filled japanese cartooning
  3. Action-filled Japanese graphics
  4. Akira movie genre
  5. Akira`s movie genre
  6. An articulated cuirass of the 16th century
  7. Any of various resins or oleoresins
  8. Asian cartoon art
  9. Asian cartoon style
  10. Asian film genre
  11. Astro Boy genre
  12. Big-eyed cartoon style
  13. Bright: Mus
  14. Cartoon art
  15. Cartoon art form
  16. Cartoon art genre
  17. Cartoon art of Japan
  18. Cartoon fan`s subgenre
  19. Cartoon genre
  20. Cartoon genre with wide-eyed characters
  21. Cartoon style
  22. Cartoon style from Asia
  23. Cartoon style that`s related to manga
  24. Cartooning
  25. Copal
  26. Cowboy Bebop genre
  27. Director Hayao Miyazaki`s genre
  28. Dragon Ball Z genre
  29. Dragonball cartoon style
  30. DVD category
  31. Film genre from Japan
  32. French word in the English language
  33. French word used in English
  34. Genre at Tokyo`s Comiket fair
  35. Genre featured in Kill Bill
  36. Genre for the Pok�mon series
  37. Genre of Akira
  38. Genre of Dragon Ball Z
  39. Genre of the 1988 cartoon film Akira
  40. Genre of the cartoon series Sailor Moon
  41. Genre often featuring big eyes
  42. Genre often featuring large eyes
  43. Genre with big-eyed toons
  44. Genre with spiky hair and huge eyes, often
  45. Ghost in the Shell cartoon genre
  46. Ghost in the Shell genre
  47. Hayao Miyazaki genre
  48. Hayao Miyazaki medium
  49. Hayao Miyazaki specialty
  50. Hayao Miyazaki`s art
  51. Hayao Miyazaki`s cartoon style
  52. Hayao Miyazaki`s specialty
  53. Hentai is spun off from it
  54. Imported film genre
  55. It makes Speed Racer go
  56. Japanese art genre
  57. Japanese art style
  58. Japanese cartoon
  59. Japanese cartoon art
  60. Japanese cartoon art form
  61. Japanese cartoon art genre
  62. Japanese cartoon film
  63. Japanese cartoon film style
  64. Japanese cartoon films
  65. Japanese cartoon genre
  66. Japanese cartoon style
  67. Japanese cartoon type
  68. Japanese cartooning
  69. Japanese cartooning style
  70. Japanese cartoons
  71. Japanese comics
  72. Japanese film genre
  73. Japanese films
  74. Japanese genre
  75. Japanese genre with voice actors
  76. Japanese invention
  77. Japanese movie style
  78. Japanese style of cartoon
  79. Japanese video genre
  80. Kitakyushu cartoons
  81. Lively to mehta
  82. Lively, in Lille
  83. Lively, in lyon
  84. Lively: Fr
  85. Manga kin
  86. Manga set in motion
  87. Manga-like art form
  88. Many a Studio Ghibli film
  89. Miyazaki film genre
  90. Miyazaki`s genre
  91. Miyazaki`s medium
  92. Miyazaki`s The Wind Rises
  93. Modern cartoon genre
  94. Modern film genre
  95. Moving manga
  96. Netflix category featuring Miyazaki films
  97. Ninja Scroll genre
  98. Ninja Scroll style
  99. Oleoresin
  100. Osamu Tezuka`s art
  101. Output of Japan`s Studio Ghibli
  102. Pokemon cartoon genre
  103. Pokemon cartoon style
  104. Pokémon video genre
  105. Pokémon: The Series genre
  106. Pokmon medium
  107. Popular Japanese cartoon genre
  108. Princess Mononoke genre
  109. Ranma 1/2 genre
  110. Sailor Moon cartoon genre
  111. Sailor Moon genre
  112. Samurai Champloo
  113. Satoshi Kon work
  114. Satoshi Kon`s genre
  115. Some Japanese comics
  116. Some japanese films
  117. Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie genre
  118. Speed Racer genre
  119. Spirited Away genre
  120. Style of Spirited Away
  121. Style on Japanese screens
  122. Television genre
  123. Term used to describe Japanese animation
  124. The A in the Tokyo studio AIC
  125. The majority of Japanese DVD sales
  126. Tokyo cartoon
  127. Tokyo toons
  128. Variety of copal
  129. Varnish resin
  130. Varnish source
  131. Vivaciously, in music
  132. Yu-Gi-Oh! cartoon genre
  133. Zanzibar copal

Definitions of “anime”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.

• Animated cartoon version of Manga
• Japanese word for cartoon
• A hard copal derived from an African tree
• An articulated cuirass of the 16th century
• Any of various resins or oleoresins
• Said of the eyes of a rapacious animal
• (ann-ee-may) Japanese for "animation"
• In Japan this term refers to any form of animation
• Of a different tincture from the animal itself
• Anime is a Japanese word used to describe all forms of animation
A further 7 definitions can be found on Encyclo

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