anime (Crossword)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Anime” but we did find clues
where “Anime” could be the answer:
- `Pokemon` genre
- Action-filled japanese cartooning
- Action-filled Japanese graphics
- Akira movie genre
- Akira`s movie genre
- An articulated cuirass of the 16th century
- Any of various resins or oleoresins
- Asian cartoon art
- Asian cartoon style
- Asian film genre
- Astro Boy genre
- Big-eyed cartoon style
- Bright: Mus
- Cartoon art
- Cartoon art form
- Cartoon art genre
- Cartoon art of Japan
- Cartoon fan`s subgenre
- Cartoon genre
- Cartoon genre with wide-eyed characters
- Cartoon style
- Cartoon style from Asia
- Cartoon style that`s related to manga
- Cartooning
- Copal
- Cowboy Bebop genre
- Director Hayao Miyazaki`s genre
- Dragon Ball Z genre
- Dragonball cartoon style
- DVD category
- Film genre from Japan
- French word in the English language
- French word used in English
- Genre at Tokyo`s Comiket fair
- Genre featured in Kill Bill
- Genre for the Pok�mon series
- Genre of Akira
- Genre of Dragon Ball Z
- Genre of the 1988 cartoon film Akira
- Genre of the cartoon series Sailor Moon
- Genre often featuring big eyes
- Genre often featuring large eyes
- Genre with big-eyed toons
- Genre with spiky hair and huge eyes, often
- Ghost in the Shell cartoon genre
- Ghost in the Shell genre
- Hayao Miyazaki genre
- Hayao Miyazaki medium
- Hayao Miyazaki specialty
- Hayao Miyazaki`s art
- Hayao Miyazaki`s cartoon style
- Hayao Miyazaki`s specialty
- Hentai is spun off from it
- Imported film genre
- It makes Speed Racer go
- Japanese art genre
- Japanese art style
- Japanese cartoon
- Japanese cartoon art
- Japanese cartoon art form
- Japanese cartoon art genre
- Japanese cartoon film
- Japanese cartoon film style
- Japanese cartoon films
- Japanese cartoon genre
- Japanese cartoon style
- Japanese cartoon type
- Japanese cartooning
- Japanese cartooning style
- Japanese cartoons
- Japanese comics
- Japanese film genre
- Japanese films
- Japanese genre
- Japanese genre with voice actors
- Japanese invention
- Japanese movie style
- Japanese style of cartoon
- Japanese video genre
- Kitakyushu cartoons
- Lively to mehta
- Lively, in Lille
- Lively, in lyon
- Lively: Fr
- Manga kin
- Manga set in motion
- Manga-like art form
- Many a Studio Ghibli film
- Miyazaki film genre
- Miyazaki`s genre
- Miyazaki`s medium
- Miyazaki`s The Wind Rises
- Modern cartoon genre
- Modern film genre
- Moving manga
- Netflix category featuring Miyazaki films
- Ninja Scroll genre
- Ninja Scroll style
- Oleoresin
- Osamu Tezuka`s art
- Output of Japan`s Studio Ghibli
- Pokemon cartoon genre
- Pokemon cartoon style
- Pokémon video genre
- Pokémon: The Series genre
- Pokmon medium
- Popular Japanese cartoon genre
- Princess Mononoke genre
- Ranma 1/2 genre
- Sailor Moon cartoon genre
- Sailor Moon genre
- Samurai Champloo
- Satoshi Kon work
- Satoshi Kon`s genre
- Some Japanese comics
- Some japanese films
- Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie genre
- Speed Racer genre
- Spirited Away genre
- Style of Spirited Away
- Style on Japanese screens
- Television genre
- Term used to describe Japanese animation
- The A in the Tokyo studio AIC
- The majority of Japanese DVD sales
- Tokyo cartoon
- Tokyo toons
- Variety of copal
- Varnish resin
- Varnish source
- Vivaciously, in music
- Yu-Gi-Oh! cartoon genre
- Zanzibar copal
Definitions of “anime”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• Animated cartoon version of Manga
• Japanese word for cartoon
• A hard copal derived from an African tree
• An articulated cuirass of the 16th century
• Any of various resins or oleoresins
• Said of the eyes of a rapacious animal
• (ann-ee-may) Japanese for "animation"
• In Japan this term refers to any form of animation
• Of a different tincture from the animal itself
• Anime is a Japanese word used to describe all forms of animation
A further 7 definitions can be found on Encyclo
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