aquifer (Crossword)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Aquifer” but we did find clues
where “Aquifer” could be the answer:
- Formation
- Freshwater source
- Geological formation
- Ground water source
- It`s often comprised of sandstone
- Water bed
- Water-bearing rock
- Well driller`s target
- Wellspring
Definitions of “aquifer”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• A subsurface geological structure that contains water
• A subsurface rock or sediment unit that is porous and permeable
• An underground geological formation, or group of formations
• An underground layer of rock or soil containing ground water
• A bed or layer yielding water for wells and springs etc.
• A geologic formation(s) that is water bearing
• Underground layer of rock or sand that yields groundwater
• A body of rock capable of allowing subterranean water to be stored
• A body of rock through which appreciable amounts of water can flow
• A permeable region of rock or soil through which ground water can move
A further 21 definitions can be found on Encyclo
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