astro (Crossword)

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We didn't find answers to the clue “Astro” but we did find clues where “Astro” could be the answer:
  1. `02 Chevrolet RWD or AWD van
  2. AL West player
  3. Aerospace prefix
  4. Aerospace starter
  5. American Leaguer since 2013
  6. American society for therapeutic radiology and oncology
  7. Andy Pettitte, before becoming a Yankee again
  8. Andy Pettitte, for one
  9. Animated canine
  10. Animated dog
  11. Animated pet dog
  12. Animated pooch
  13. Artificial turf prefix
  14. Athlete under a dome
  15. Athlete whose mascot is Orbit
  16. Bagwell, for one
  17. Ballplayer
  18. Ballplayer at Houston
  19. Ballplayer with a star insignia
  20. Ballplayer with a star logo
  21. Baseball National Leaguer
  22. Baseball pro
  23. Baseballer with a star insignia
  24. Baseballer with a star logo
  25. Bygone Chevrolet van
  26. Bygone Chevy van
  27. Cardinal competitor
  28. Cartoon dog
  29. Cartoon dog voiced by don messick
  30. Cartoon dog who lives in the Skypad Apartments
  31. Cartoon dog whose Rello Rorge means Hello George
  32. Cartoon dog with two rings for a collar
  33. Cartoon pooch
  34. Cartoon pup
  35. Certain major-league baseballer
  36. Certain pro baseball player
  37. Certain professional athlete
  38. Chevy clone of GMC`s Safari van
  39. Chevy minivan
  40. Chevy minivan, once
  41. Chevy van
  42. Chevy van succeeded by the Traverse
  43. Chilean rock music group
  44. Choir pieces
  45. Colt .45 successor, in sports
  46. Commercial prefix with Turf
  47. Craig Biggio
  48. Craig Biggio for 19 years
  49. Craig Biggio, as a player
  50. Craig Biggio, for 20 seasons
  51. Craig Biggio, for his entire career
  52. Craig Biggio, for his entire major league career
  53. Craig Biggio, notably
  54. Craig Biggio, throughout his career
  55. Cub`s rival
  56. Cy young award winner mike scott, for one
  57. Dodger opponent
  58. Dog in Orbit City
  59. Dog of Jane, George, Judy and Elroy
  60. Dog of the future
  61. Dog on `The Jetsons`
  62. Dog originally owned by JP gottrocket
  63. Dome athlete
  64. Dome lead-in
  65. Dome opening
  66. Dome or turf lead-in
  67. Dome player
  68. Don Messick`s Jetsons role
  69. Don Sutton is one
  70. Drawn dog
  71. Elroy jetson`s dog
  72. Elroy Jetson`s four-legged friend
  73. Elroy jetson`s pet
  74. Elroy Jetson`s pooch
  75. Elroy`s buddy
  76. Elroy`s dog
  77. Elroy`s dog in cartoons
  78. Elroy`s dog on The Jetsons
  79. Elroy`s hound
  80. Elroy`s pet
  81. Elroy`s pet on `the jetsons`
  82. Elroy`s pet on The Jetsons
  83. Elroy`s pooch
  84. Enron athlete
  85. Enron field athlete until 2002
  86. Enron Field ballplayer
  87. Enron field player
  88. Enron Field player, once
  89. Former Chevy van
  90. Former Colt .45
  91. Futuristic cartoon dog
  92. Galactic Great Dane
  93. George jetson`s dog
  94. George Jetson`s dog & Chevy minivan
  95. Greek boy name
  96. Group IV major
  97. Guy in texas with a glove
  98. Hand tool for holding
  99. Hanna-Barbera dog
  100. Hanna/Barbera canine
  101. His home has a dome
  102. Houston athlete
  103. Houston athlete in the American League
  104. Houston ball player
  105. Houston ballplayer
  106. Houston ballplayer or Jetson dog
  107. Houston baseball player
  108. Houston baseball pro
  109. Houston baseballer
  110. Houston colt 45 today
  111. Houston favorite
  112. Houston fellow who plays the field
  113. Houston fly catcher
  114. Houston footballer & Chevy van
  115. Houston guy who plays the field
  116. Houston hitter
  117. Houston hurler
  118. Houston major-leaguer
  119. Houston MLB player
  120. Houston NLer
  121. Houston player
  122. Houston player, formerly
  123. Houston pro
  124. Houston pro baseballer
  125. Houston star
  126. Houston team member
  127. Houston`s dome
  128. Houston, Texas ballplayer
  129. Intro to physics
  130. Introduction to biology
  131. Introduction to physics
  132. It means `celestial`
  133. JR Richard was one
  134. JR Richard, throughout his career
  135. Jeff Bagwell
  136. Jeff Bagwell in 2003
  137. Jeff bagwell is one
  138. Jeff Bagwell or Lance Berkman, notably
  139. Jeff Bagwell, for one
  140. Jeff bagwell, notably
  141. Jetson canine
  142. Jetson dog
  143. Jetson family member often in the doghouse
  144. Jetson family pet
  145. Jetson household member
  146. Jetson pet
  147. Jetson pooch
  148. Jetson`s dog
  149. Jetson`s hound
  150. Jetson`s pet
  151. Jetson`s pooch
  152. Jetsons` dog
  153. Jetsons` pet
  154. Jetsons` pet dog
  155. Jetsons` pooch
  156. Jetsons` pup
  157. Jose Altuve
  158. Jose Altuve, for one
  159. Jose Cruz, for most of his career
  160. Jose Cruz, notably
  161. K-pop music group
  162. Kind of dome in a Texas team`s home
  163. Kind of dome or turf
  164. Kind of physicist
  165. Kind of turf
  166. Kind of turf or physics
  167. Lead-in to physics or turf
  168. Logical beginning
  169. Logical introduction
  170. Logical prefix
  171. Logical start
  172. Losing player in the 2005 World Series
  173. Member of Houston`s baseball team
  174. Member of MLB`s 2017 champions
  175. Member of the jetson`s family
  176. Met foe
  177. Mid-size van from Chevrolet
  178. Minute Maid Park athlete
  179. Minute Maid Park ballplayer
  180. Minute maid park player
  181. Minute Maid Stadium player
  182. MLB player whose mascot is named Orbit
  183. N.l central player
  184. NL central player
  185. NL player
  186. National League player
  187. National leaguer
  188. National leaguer since 1965
  189. Nautical prefix
  190. Nautical starter
  191. New American Leaguer in 2013
  192. Newest American Leaguer
  193. Nler in texas
  194. NLer since 1965
  195. Nolan ryan is one
  196. Nolan ryan was one
  197. Nolan ryan, for a time
  198. Nolan Ryan, for many years
  199. Nolan ryan, for most of the 80`s
  200. Nolan ryan, for one
  201. Nolan ryan, for years
  202. Nolan Ryan, from 1980 to `88
  203. Nolan Ryan, from 1980 to 1988
  204. Nolan Ryan, in 1980
  205. Nolan ryan, notably
  206. Nolan Ryan, once
  207. Of a star: Combining form
  208. Of stars: Combining form
  209. Of stars: Prefix
  210. Of the stars: Combining form
  211. Old Chevy minivan
  212. Old Chevy van
  213. One of the Reds` rivals
  214. Orbit City pooch
  215. Outer space: Prefix
  216. Pet dog of the jetsons
  217. Pet dog on The Jetsons
  218. Pet on The Jetsons
  219. Physics lead-in
  220. Physics opening
  221. Physics preceder
  222. Pirate battler
  223. Pirate battler, at times
  224. Pirate foe
  225. Pirate rival
  226. Pitcher Drabek is one
  227. Player at the former Enron Field
  228. Player at the recently-renamed Enron Field
  229. Player in a dome
  230. Player in MLB`s first domed stadium
  231. Player on special turf
  232. Player under a dome
  233. Player with a star on his cap
  234. Pooch who says, Rello, Rorge
  235. Prefix for dome or turf
  236. Prefix for gate or dome
  237. Prefix for naut and logy
  238. Prefix for physicist
  239. Prefix for physics
  240. Prefix for physics or turf
  241. Prefix for the Space Age
  242. Prefix meaning celestial
  243. Prefix meaning spaceflight
  244. Prefix pertaining to stars
  245. Prefix with -logical
  246. Prefix with physicist
  247. Prefix with physics
  248. Pro baseball player from Houston
  249. Pro from Houston
  250. Ranger rival
  251. Red foe
  252. Red rival
  253. Rello, Reorge utterer on The Jetsons
  254. Roger Clemens or Nolan Ryan, formerly
  255. Roger clemens, as of 2004
  256. Roger Clemens, for one
  257. Roger Clemens, for three seasons
  258. Roger clemens, in 2004
  259. Roger Clemens, in 2005
  260. Roger Clemens, lately
  261. Roger Clemens, now
  262. Roy Oswalt, notably
  263. Ruh-roh! exclaimer of animation
  264. Rusty Staub was one in the 60`s
  265. Rusty Staub, once
  266. Skypad Apartments dog
  267. Skypad Apartments pooch
  268. South Korean boy band
  269. Space Age dog
  270. Space age toon dog
  271. Space city baseballer
  272. Space City player
  273. Space-age hound
  274. Space-age prefix
  275. Spanish star
  276. Sports turf type
  277. Star: pref
  278. Start for dome or dynamics
  279. Start for physics
  280. Stellar: Combining form
  281. Stellar: prefix
  282. Successor to a Colt `45
  283. Successor to a Colt .45
  284. Talking dog of cartoons
  285. Talking dog of TV toons
  286. Talking toon dog
  287. Team player
  288. Texan with a glove
  289. Texas athlete
  290. Texas ballplayer
  291. Texas baseball player heading to the AL in 2013
  292. Texas baseballer
  293. Texas leaguer
  294. Texas leaguer, so to speak
  295. Texas player
  296. Texas pro
  297. Texas teammate
  298. The hound of the Jetsons
  299. The Jetson`s dog
  300. The Jetsons canine
  301. The jetsons pup
  302. The jetsons` dog
  303. The Jetsons` pet
  304. The Jetsons` pet dog
  305. The Jetsons` pooch
  306. Toledo twinkler
  307. Toon dog sharing a name with an MLB player
  308. Turf intro
  309. Turf leader
  310. Turf opener
  311. Turf starter
  312. Turf type
  313. Tv cartoon dog
  314. Two-ring-collar cartoon canine
  315. Type of turf
  316. Wearer of an H-inscribed hat
  317. Word form with physics
  318. Word with naut or physics

Definitions of “astro”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.

• Autonomous Space Transport Robotic Operations (ASTRO)
• (shuttle science payload) A Space Shuttle-borne ultraviolet observatory that consists of three ultraviolet instruments
• (Malaysian satellite television) Measat Broadcast Network System or Astro is a Malaysian direct broadcast satellite (DBS) Pay TV service

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