Autolysis (Crossword clue)

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We found one answer for “Autolysis” .

This page shows answers to the clue Autolysis, followed by ten definitions like “Self-digestion of tissues, post mortem, often applied to yeast”, “The decomposition of yeast cells remaining after fermentation” and “The enzymatic digestion of cells by enzymes present within them”.


Definitions of “Autolysis”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.

• The enzymatic digestion of cells by enzymes present within them
• Autopepsia, autolysis Rarely used term for self-digestion
• Autolysis is the destruction of a cell by the actions of its own enzymes
• The destruction of cells of the body by the action of their own enzymes
• Self-digestion lysis of plant or animal tissue by an internal process
• (biology) In biology, autolysis, more commonly known as self-digestion
• A process in which starving yeast cells feed on each other by excreting enzymes
• Autolysis: The enzymatic digestion of cells by enzymes present within them
• The process in which yeast cells metabolize each other in a nutrient-depleted beer
• When yeast run out of nutrients and die, they release their innards into the beer
A further 15 definitions can be found on Encyclo

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