bahai (Crossword)

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We didn't find answers to the clue “Bahai” but we did find clues where “Bahai” could be the answer:
  1. Adherent in iran
  2. Adherent of a mystic sect
  3. An Iranian religion
  4. Babist faith
  5. Babist`s successor
  6. Believer advocating universal brotherhood
  7. Believer in spiritual unity
  8. Certain sect member
  9. Dizzy Gillespie`s faith
  10. Dizzy Gillespie`s religion
  11. Faith
  12. Faith based in Haifa
  13. Faith born in Iran
  14. Faith celebrating both Jesus and Muhammad
  15. Faith centered in Haifa
  16. Faith emphasizing gender equality
  17. Faith founded in Persia
  18. Faith of Shoghi Effendi
  19. Faith propounding unity
  20. Faith symbolized by a nine-pointed star
  21. Faith that celebrates both Jesus and Muhammad
  22. Faith that emphasizes the oneness of humanity
  23. Faith that promotes spiritual unity
  24. Faith with a 19-month calendar
  25. Faith with an apostrophe
  26. Follower of a faith founded in persia
  27. Follower of a Mideast religion
  28. Follower of the splendor of god
  29. Iran-based religion stressing oneness
  30. Irani religion
  31. Iranian belief
  32. Iranian faith
  33. Iranian religion
  34. Literally, `of glory`
  35. Middle East religion
  36. Mideast religion
  37. Mideast religion that preaches equality
  38. One planet religion
  39. Persian faith
  40. Persian faith that promotes spiritual unity
  41. Persian-based faith that teaches three unities
  42. Persian-founded faith
  43. Persian-founded religion
  44. Religion
  45. Religion based in haifa
  46. Religion developed in Iran
  47. Religion founded in 19th-century Persia
  48. Religion founded in iran
  49. Religion founded in Persia
  50. Religion founded in Persia in 1863
  51. Religion in iran
  52. Religion of Iran
  53. Religion of some Iranians
  54. Religion stressing unity
  55. Religion symbolized by a nine-pointed star
  56. Religion which promotes world peace
  57. Religion whose name means of splendor in Persian
  58. Religion whose symbol is a nine-pointed star
  59. Religion with a 19-month calendar
  60. Religion with a ringstone symbol
  61. Religion with a Universal House of Justice
  62. Religion with an apostrophe in its name
  63. Religious belief
  64. Religious sect member
  65. Sect governed by the Universal House of Justice
  66. Unity of humanity belief
  67. Universal House of Justice religion

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