bib (Crossword)
We didn't find an exact match for “Bib” but this clue may be related:
- In need of a bib ( = SLAVERING)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Bib” but we did find clues
where “Bib” could be the answer:
- Apparel for a very young diner
- Apparel for a young diner
- Apron for baby
- Apron part
- Apron section
- Apron top
- Apron, of sorts
- Baby accessory
- Baby annoyance
- Baby food catcher
- Baby garment
- Baby wear
- Baby`s apron
- Baby`s catchall
- Baby`s clothes protector
- Baby`s cover-up
- Baby`s dinner neckwear
- Baby`s dinner wear
- Baby`s food catcher
- Baby`s garment
- Baby`s mealtime accessory
- Baby`s mealtime garment
- Baby`s mealtime neckwear
- Baby`s mealtime need
- Baby`s mealtime wear
- Baby`s neck napkin
- Baby`s neckwear
- Baby`s protection
- Baby`s protector
- Baby`s shield
- Baby`s smock
- Baby`s spilled food protector
- Baby`s tie-on
- Baby`s wear
- Bit of baby clothing
- Bit of crab house attire
- Bit of neckwear
- Blouse protector
- Bouillabaisse precaution
- Catcher at the plate
- Catcher behind the plate
- Catcher near the plate
- Catcher of a sort
- Catcher of splattered food
- Catcher of the rye
- Chest protector
- Chest protector of a sort
- Child`s cover-up
- Child`s protector in Abu Dhabi bureaucracy
- Chin-cloth
- Clam house freebie
- Clothes protector
- Clothing protector
- Crab eater`s neckwear
- Crab house accessory
- Crab house attire
- Crab shack garb
- Crabfest accessory
- Crumb catcher
- Dickey
- Din-din dickey
- Din-din tie-on
- Din-din wear
- Diner shield
- Diner`s wear
- Dribble catcher
- Dribble guard
- Dribbler`s garb
- Dribbler`s protection
- Drip catcher
- Drool catcher
- Drop cloth
- Dropcloth
- Eater`s cover
- Feature of most overalls
- Feeding table wear
- Feeding time garb
- Feeding time need
- Feeding-time need
- Feeding-time protector
- Fish house freebie
- Fish restaurant freebie
- Food catcher of a sort
- Food collector, at times
- Front of overalls
- Good accessory for eating lobster or barbecue
- High chair occupant`s wear
- High chair pin-on
- High chair user`s accessory
- High-chair user`s accessory
- Highchair attire
- Highchair neckwear
- Highchair protection
- Highchair wear
- Inexpensive baby-shower gift
- Infant garb
- Infant`s garb
- It can keep a onesie clean
- It can protect a baby`s clothes from stains
- It catches baby food
- It goes around the neck
- It guards a dribbler
- It hangs around one`s neck
- It hangs around the neck
- It holds a marathoner`s number
- It keeps baby clean
- It may contain baby food
- It may have a lobster on it
- It might have several sweet spots
- It might prevent a stain
- It might protect a onesie from food stains
- It protects against spillage in imbibing
- It`s hung around the neck
- It`s served with lobster
- It`s usually served with lobster
- Item in a baby`s wardrobe
- Item in a lobster restaurant
- Item often caked in baby food
- Keeps baby`s clothes clean
- Kind of overalls
- Lobster catcher
- Lobster dinner accessory
- Lobster dinner prop
- Lobster dinner-ware
- Lobster eater`s accessory
- Lobster eater`s attire
- Lobster eater`s cover
- Lobster eater`s garb
- Lobster eater`s garb, for some reason
- Lobster eater`s neckwearend
- Lobster eater`s need
- Lobster eater`s protection
- Lobster eater`s protector
- Lobster eater`s wear
- Lobster go-with, often
- Lobster lover`s chest protector
- Lobster-dinner need
- Lobster-eater`s attire
- Lobster-eater`s wear
- Lobster-house wear
- Marathon runner`s wear
- Marathoner`s pin-on
- Marathoner`s wear
- Meal tie-on
- Mealtime neckwear for an infant
- Mealtime protector
- Mealtime wear
- Messy eater`s need
- Mushy stuff catcher
- Napkin for junior
- Napkin under the chin
- Necessity for a baby
- Neckwear for a lobster eater
- Neckwear of a kind
- Neckwear of a sort
- Neckwear that might get stained with baby food
- One hanging around at Red Lobster
- One that might catch a double dribble
- Onesie protector
- Overall type
- Overalls feature
- Overalls part
- Overalls piece
- Overalls section
- Overalls type
- Overalls, --- and brace
- Pap catcher
- Pap smear location
- Part of a pinafore
- Part of an apron
- Part of overalls
- Partner of tucker
- Piece of cloth
- Piece of material
- Piece of neckwear
- Pinafore part
- Preschooler`s dinner wear
- Preschooler`s protection
- Preschooler`s protector
- Protection against flying sauce
- Protection with ties
- Protective wear in a highchair
- Protector for a baby
- Red Lobster catcher
- Red Lobster freebie
- Red Lobster handout
- Restaurant accessory
- Safety clothing
- Seafood bistro handout
- Seafood restaurant accessory
- Seafood restaurant freebie
- Seafood restaurant item
- Shirt protector
- Shore dinner handout
- Shore-dinner handout
- Ski outfit part
- Slobber protection
- Slobber stopper
- Something to drool over
- Spill catcher
- Spill protection
- Spill-catching neckwear
- Splatter catcher
- Splatter protector
- Stain collector
- Stain preventer for a diner who`s having lobster
- Stain stopper
- Surf-and-turf option
- Table napkin for a babe
- The part of the ruff, or lengthened hair, around the chest area
- Throat protector while fencing
- Tie one on at dinner
- Tipple
- To drink alcohol
- Toddler`s apron
- Tot`s dinnertime neckwear
- Tot`s mealtime chest protector
- Tot`s mealtime covering
- Tot`s mealtime need
- Tot`s napkin
- Tot`s neckwear
- Tucker
- Tucker partner
- Tucker`s best partner
- Tucker`s cohort
- Tucker`s companion
- Tucker`s complement
- Tucker`s go-with
- Tucker`s mate
- Tucker`s partner
- Tyke protector
- Wear for a messy meal
- Wee eater`s neckwear
- Where to find baby food
These clues may also be related:
- Bitter biblical epic ( = GALL ABOUT EVE)
- Bitchslaps, biblically ( = SMITES)
- Bit of biblical writing on the wall ( = TEKEL)
- Bit of biblical writing ( = MENE)
- Bit of Biblical graffiti ( = MENE)
- Bit of Biblical advice ( = TELLITNOTINGATH)
- Birthright seller of the Bible ( = ESAU)
- Birthright seller in the Bible ( = ESAU)
- Birthplace of a biblical mary ( = MAGDALA)
- Birth of a Biblical Procurator ( = PILATEARRIVAL)
Definitions of “bib”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• An arctic fish (Gadus luscus)
• A pearl necklace of more than three concentric strands
• Coloured region seen below the chin of the bird
• A napkin tied under the chin a child while eating
• A patch of colored feathers under the chin of a bird
• A piece of cloth or plastic secured under the chin and worn
• A plastic or fabric item to catch food that a bay drops
• A small piece of cloth worn by children over the breast
• Any one of various liquids for drinking, usually excluding water
• Informal term for a distinctly pigmented area of the throat
A further 16 definitions can be found on Encyclo
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