biscotti (Crossword)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Biscotti” but we did find clues
where “Biscotti” could be the answer:
- After dinner treat for a Italian
- After dinner treat for a European
- Cake from Italy
- Cake from Europe
- Classic Italian dish
- Classic Italian cuisine
- Classic Italian scran
- Classic Italian chow
- Classic Italian grub
- Classic Italian fare
- Classic Italian nosh
- Classic Italian special
- Coffeehouse dunkables
- Confection from Europe
- Confection from Italy
- Crunchy cafe treats
- Dessert from Italy
- Dessert from Europe
- Dunkable Italian cookies
- Dunkable Italian treats
- European pastry
- European sweet
- European cake
- European dessert
- European sweet course
- European confection
- European pudding
- Italian bakery items
- Italian pudding
- Italian dessert
- Italian sweet course
- Italian cake
- Italian confection
- Italian sweet
- Italian pastry
- Italian scran
- Italian nosh
- Italian chow
- Italian cuisine
- Italian fare
- Italian special
- Italian dish
- Italian grub
- Modern Italian dish
- Modern Italian cuisine
- Modern Italian nosh
- Modern Italian grub
- Modern Italian fare
- Modern Italian chow
- Modern Italian scran
- Modern Italian special
- Pastry from Italy
- Pastry from Europe
- Pudding from Europe
- Pudding from Italy
- Sweet from Europe
- Sweet from Italy
- Traditional Italian dish
- Traditional Italian scran
- Traditional Italian grub
- Traditional Italian cuisine
- Traditional Italian fare
- Traditional Italian chow
- Traditional Italian nosh
- Traditional Italian special
- Twice-baked coffeehouse treats
- Twice-baked cookies
- Twice-baked good
- Typical Italian cuisine
- Typical Italian fare
- Typical Italian grub
- Typical Italian dish
- Typical Italian chow
- Typical Italian special
- Typical Italian scran
- Typical Italian nosh
Definitions of “biscotti”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• Literally 'twice cooked
• Biscotti (i; bisˈkɔtti
• Dry Italian cookies flavored with almonds, chocolate
• Cookies whose name means “twice baked” that are very crunchy and made to dip into coffee or wine
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