bose (Crossword)
We didn't find an exact match for “Bose” but this clue may be related:
- Dr. Bose ( = AMAR)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Bose” but we did find clues
where “Bose” could be the answer:
- Adored speaker
- Audio corporation
- Audio equipment brand
- Audio equipment giant
- Audio giant
- Audiophile`s brand
- Bang & Olufsen rival
- Better Sound Through Research audio brand
- Big maker of audio equipment
- Big name in audio
- Big name in audio equipment
- Big name in audio products
- Big name in audio speakers
- Big name in audio systems
- Big name in headphones
- Big name in hi-fi speakers
- Big name in high fidelity
- Big name in home audio
- Big name in home audio systems
- Big name in home entertainment equipment
- Big name in home theater systems
- Big name in noise-canceling headphones
- Big name in small radios
- Big name in speakers
- Big name in stereo components
- Big name in stereo equipment
- Big name in stereo speakers
- Big name in stereos
- Brand of speakers
- Company known for noise-reducing headphones
- Company with sound business practices
- Fancy stereo brand
- Giant in audio equipment
- Headset maker
- High tech speakers
- High-end audio brand
- High-end audio company
- High-end speaker brand
- Highly regarded speakers
- Highly respected speakers maker
- Home audio giant
- Home audio maker
- Home sound system brand
- House speaker`s name
- Indian physicist
- Indian physicist: 1858-1937
- It makes sound products
- Make ground tests
- Maker of high-end home theatre systems
- Maker of the SoundDock digital music system
- Maker of the Wave radio
- Name on a speaker
- Name on some speakers
- Noise-canceling brand
- Noise-cancelling brand
- Nuclear physicist
- Popular speaker
- Satyendra N. bose
- Satyendra nath bose
- Some say the best speakers come from here
- Sony rival
- Sound equipment giant
- Sound-equipment giant
- Soundbar speaker maker
- Speaker maker
- Speaker of note
- Speaker of the house
- Speaker`s name
- Top-end speaker
- Upscale speaker brand
- Wave Radio maker
- Well-known speaker
These clues may also be related:
- Boselaphus tragocamelus (3 words, e.g. NILGAI)
- Bose Waves ( = RADIOS)
- Bose wares ( = RADIOS)
- Bose rival ( = YAMAHA)
- Bose product ( = RADIO)
- Bose offering ( = STEREO)
- Bose iPhone app ( = AM-FM RADIO)
- Bose competitor ( = AIWA)
- Boring verboseness ( = PROLIXITY)
Definitions of “bose”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• (crater) Bose is a lunar impact crater that is located on the far side of the Moon
• Indian physicist who with Albert Einstein proposed statistical laws based on the indistinguishability of particles
• Satyendra N. Bose Indian physicist who with Albert Einstein proposed statistical laws based on the indistinguishability of particles
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Also look at the related clues for crossword clues with similar answers to “bose”