boysenberry (Crossword)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Boysenberry” but we did find clues
where “Boysenberry” could be the answer:
- Berry sized fruit
- Berry
- Bite for a frugivore
- Bite for a herbivore
- Boysenberry bush
- Comestible fruit
- Comestible berry
- Culinary berry
- Culinary fruit
- Edible little fruit
- Edible small fruit
- Edible berry
- Edible fruit known as rubus ursinus × rubus idaeus
- Edible fruit known to boffins as rubus ursinus × rubus idaeus
- Edible fruit
- Edible fruit known in latin as rubus ursinus × rubus idaeus
- Edible berry sized fruit
- Edible fruit by the handful
- Exclusively Anglo word
- Exclusively Saxon word
- Fruit known as rubus ursinus × rubus idaeus
- Fruit known to boffins as rubus ursinus × rubus idaeus
- Fruit known in latin as rubus ursinus × rubus idaeus
- Fruit
- Fruit by the handful
- Fruit salad ingredient
- Frugivore`s food
- Fruit which can be eaten
- Frugivore`s snack
- Frugivore`s meal
- Goes in a fruit salad
- Herbivore`s food
- Herbivore`s snack
- Herbivore`s meal
- Hybrid sometimes found in a jam
- Ingredient for a fruit salad
- Jam variety
- Large raspberry-flavored fruit
- Little fruit
- Rubus ursinus
- Small fruit
- Succulent fruit
- Succulent berry
- Type of jam
- Western blackberry
- Western dewberry
- Word with Anglo-Saxon origins
- Word of purely Anglo origin
- Word with no outside influence
Definitions of “boysenberry”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• A blackberrylike fruit with a flavor similar to that of raspberries
• A very large bramble fruit, usually considered, along with the loganberry and the youngberry
• Cultivated hybrid bramble of California having large dark wine-red fruit with a flavor resembling raspberries
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