brasilia (Crossword)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Brasilia” but we did find clues
where “Brasilia” could be the answer:
- Brazilian capital
- Capital after Rio
- Capital city founded in 1960
- Capital city since 1960
- Capital of brazil
- Capital of Jorge Amado`s homeland
- Capital of Pele`s land
- Capital of South America`s biggest country
- Capital on the paraná
- Capital raised from scratch
- Capital since 1960
- Capital in South America
- Capital city of Brazil
- First city of Brazil
- National capital
- Paramount city of Brazil
- Planned city in Brazil
- Prime city of Brazil
- South american capital
- South American capital city
- The capital of brazil
- World capital laid out in the late 1950s
- World capital within the Distrito Federal
- World Heritage Site in Brazil
Definitions of “brasilia”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• Capital of Brazil from 1960, situated on the central plateau 1
• A city in and the capital of Brazil, on the central plateau
• Among major Latin American cities, Brasília has the highest GDP per capita at R$61
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