calais (Crossword)
We didn't find an exact match for “Calais” but this clue may be related:
- Calais co ( = CIE)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Calais” but we did find clues
where “Calais” could be the answer:
- Channel port
- Channel tunnel terminus
- Chunnel city
- Chunnel terminus
- Chunnel town
- City near one end of the Chunnel
- City near the eastern end of the Chunnel
- City on the English Channel
- City on the Strait of Dover
- City opposite Dover
- Closest French town to England
- Constituency in the Parliament of England
- Destination from dover
- Dover neighbor
- Endpoint for an English Channel swimmer
- Ephemeral island
- French city closest to england
- French city near the Chunnel
- French city on the strait of dover
- French city opposite Dover
- French girl name
- Port in France
- French port & `88-`91 Olds Cutlass variant
- French port city
- French port closest to England
- French port nearest england
- French port on Strait of Dover
- French port on the channel
- French port on the English Channel
- French port on the Strait of Dover
- Seaport in France
- French seaport closest to England
- Hovercraft harbor
- It`s over from Dover
- Orient Express terminus, once
- Port
- Port near the Chunnel
- Port on the Strait of Dover
- Seaport visible from Dover on clear days
- Soccer team on the Strait of Dover
- Stop on the London-Paris train
- Strait of dover city
- Strait of dover port
- Strait of Dover seaport
- Strait of dover sight
- Town
These clues may also be related:
- Case in calais ( = ETAT)
- Carefree, in Calais ( = GAI)
- Card, in calais ( = CARTE)
- Capital of pas-de-calais ( = ARRAS)
- Calm, in Calais ( = PAIX)
- Calf meat, in Calais ( = VEAU)
- Calais-to-Rouen dir ( = SSW)
- Calais-to-paris direction ( = SSE)
- Calais-to-Paris dir ( = SSE)
- Calais-to-le mansdirection ( = SSW)
Definitions of “calais”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• Port in Pas-de-Calais département, in northern France
• (constituency) Calais was a former constituency of the Parliament of England
• The Calais was a French Arras Class patrol vessel of 644 tons displacement launched in 1919
• A town in northern France on the Strait of Dover that serves as a ferry port to England
• (genus) Calais is a genus of click beetle belonging to the family Elateridae subfamily Agrypninae
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