cassiopeia (Crossword)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Cassiopeia” but we did find clues
where “Cassiopeia” could be the answer:
- Constellation
- Constellation named for an Ethiopian queen
- Constellation
- Constellation, abbreviated `Cas`
- Constellation, Wife of Cepheus
- East Japan Railway Company
- Greek girl name
- Mother of Andromeda
- Mythological Greek character
- Queen in Greek mythology
- Woman in Greek mythology
Definitions of “cassiopeia”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• A W-shaped constellation in the northern hemisphere near Polaris
• (abbr. Cas, gen. Cassiopeiae) The Queen, mother of Andromeda
• (astronomy) Prominent constellation of the northern hemisphere
• Cassiopeia is a conspicuous constellation in the northern hemisphere
• In Greek mythology, the mother of the Ethiopian princess Andromeda
• So called in honor of the wife of Cepheus, a fabulous king of Ethiopia
• Wife of King Cepheus, mother of Andromeda, and boaster of her own beauty
• (constellation) Cassiopeia is a constellation in the northern sky
• In astronomy, a constellation of the northern sky, easily recognized by a group of five bright stars forming a slightly irregular W
• (Battlestar Galactica) Cassiopeia is a fictional character in the original Battlestar Galactica which ran on ABC from 1978 to 1979
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