chrysanthemum (Crossword)
We didn't find an exact match for “Chrysanthemum” but this clue may be related:
- Chrysanthemum, often ( = GREEN HOUSEPLANT)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Chrysanthemum” but we did find clues
where “Chrysanthemum” could be the answer:
- American picture book
- Bloom
- Blossom
- Culinary blossom
- Culinary flower
- Culinary bloom
- Culinary vegetable
- Edible bloom
- Edible vegetable
- Edible blossom
- Edible flower
- Flower
- Flower you might buy her
- Flower-like burst
- Greek girl name
- Kitchen vegetable
- Leaf vegetable
- National symbol of Japan
- Ornamental plant
- Popular garden flower
- The flower of a chrysanthemum plant
- Vegetable
- Widely cultivated
These clues may also be related:
- Chrysanthemum parthenium ( = FEVERFEW)
- Chrysanthemum or rhododendron ( = FLOWER)
- Chrysanthemum leucanthemum ( = MARGUERITE)
- Chrysanthemum kin ( = TANSY)
- Chrysanthemum family plant ( = FEVERFEW)
- Chrysanthemum cousins ( = ASTERS)
- Chrysanthemum cousin ( = DAHLIA)
- Chrysanthemum balsamita (2 words, e.g. ALECOST)
- Chrysanthemum and jasmine ( = TEAS)
Definitions of “chrysanthemum”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• Any cultivated variety of the plant C
• The flower of a chrysanthemum plant
• Genus of ornamental plants in the family Asteraceae
• A perennial garden plant with many cultivated varieties
• Any of a large group of plants with colourful, showy flowers
• Any of several composite plants of the genus Chrysanthemum
• Any of numerous, mostly Eurasian plants of the genus Chrysanthemum in the composite family
• The chrysanthemum is a genus of hardy annual herbs and shrubs of the family Compositae
• Any of numerous perennial Old World herbs having showy brightly colored flower heads of the genera Chrysanthemum
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