Corporation (Crossword clue)

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We found 10 answers for “Corporation” .

This page shows answers to the clue Corporation, followed by ten definitions like “(feudal Europe) In feudal Europe”, “A legal entity chartered by a state” and “An organisation with a legal existence”. Synonyms for Corporation are for example business, company and concern. More synonyms can be found below the puzzle answers.


Definitions of “Corporation”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.

• An organisation with a legal existence
• A business form legally separate from its owners
• A player created corporation which players may join
• An NPC member corporation of a larger NPC faction
• Corporation is British slang for a prominent belly
• A business firm recognized by law as a single body
• A business entity treated as a person in the eyes of the law
• A legal 'person' that is separate and distinct from its owners
• A corporation is a legal form of business that is separate from its owners
• It is a fictitious entity different from the owners or its shareholders
A further 20 definitions can be found on Encyclo

Synonyms of “Corporation”
Using a synonym can be a good alternative for using “Corporation”. You might be able to find more answers by using these:
business, company, concern and multinational.

More crossword answers
We found 10 answers for the crossword clue Corporation . A further 50 clues may be related.

If you haven't solved the crossword clue Corporation yet try to search our Crossword Dictionary by entering the letters you already know! (Enter a dot for each missing letters, e.g. “B.SINE..” will find “BUSINESS” and “C.MPA..” will find “COMPANY”)

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