dhs (Crossword)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Dhs” but we did find clues
where “Dhs” could be the answer:
- AL batters who don`t play the field
- AL lineup fixtures
- AL stand-ins
- AL tenth men
- Aging AL sluggers, often
- AL arrivals of 1973
- AL batters
- AL hitters
- Al lineup members
- AL players who bat only
- ALers who don`t play the field
- Ballplayers who only bat (briefly)
- Batters-only in AL
- Certain BB batters
- Department of human services
- Fall Classic part-timers
- Giambi and others in the al
- Letters for some batters
- Many aging AL sluggers
- MLB hitters
- NL no-nos
- NL teams usually don`t use them
- Non-fielding AL players
- Nonfielding AL players
- Only the AL uses them
- Players who only bat (briefly)
- RBI leaders, often
- Some A`s
- Some AL`ers
- Some al batters
- Some AL hitters
- Some AL players
- Some AL sluggers
- Some ALers
- Some MLB hitters
- Some players at the Jake
- The AL`s David Ortiz et al
- The AL`s david ortiz, and others
- The NL doesn`t allow them
- The NL doesn`t use them
- The reason AL pitchers don`t swing
- They don`t exist in the N.L
- They go in for Ps
- They have no pos
- They`re not used at AT&T Park
- You won`t see them in NL ballparks
Definitions of “dhs”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• Demographic and Health Surveys
• Department of Health Services
• Oregon Department of Human Services
• Acronym: Department of Human Services
• (high schools) The following schools are abbreviated DHS
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