donegal (Crossword)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Donegal” but we did find clues
where “Donegal” could be the answer:
- Also calleda plain or herringbone tweed with colored slubs
- Assume there`s a wild gale in Ireland
- Can it make one glad to be in Ireland
- County has finished with girl
- County in N Eire
- County in northwestern Ireland
- County in the north of Ireland
- Dáil constituency
- Finished with girl from county
- Heavy Irish tweed
- In Ireland it could make one glad
- Ireland`s northernmost county
- Irish area
- Irish county
- Irish lad gone wrong
- Irish region
- It can make one glad to be in Ireland
- Letterkenny`s county
- Lifford`s county
- Northernmost Irish county
- Work at a new angle in Ireland
Definitions of “donegal”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• Mountainous county in the northwest of the Republic of Ireland
• Most northerly county of Ireland, in the historic province of Ulster
• Seaport and market town, County Donegal, Ireland, on the River Eske at the head of Donegal Bay
• (Dáil Éireann constituency) Donegal is a parliamentary constituency which will be represented in Dáil Éireann
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