eis (Crossword)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Eis” but we did find clues
where “Eis” could be the answer:
- Autobahn hazard
- Autobahn winter hazard
- Becker`s drink additive
- Berlin bar need
- Berlin bar supply
- Berliner`s ice
- Bier chiller
- Biergarten cooler
- Block in a cologne cooler
- Block in Berlin
- Clinker in a Glas
- Cocktail cooler, in Coblenz
- Cold stuff, in Germany
- Cold water in Cologne
- Cologne cooler
- Cologne cubes
- Coolant in coburg
- Danger for a U-Boot
- Danger on der Autobahn
- Dortmund dessert
- Dresden drink cooler
- Drink cooler, in Dresden
- Dusseldorf dessert
- Düsseldorf dessert
- Environmental impact statement
- Frankfurt freezer cubes
- Fritz`s ice
- Frozen wasser
- Frozen water in Berlin
- Frozen water in Germany
- Frozen water, in Wittenberg
- Frozen water, to Wilhelm
- Frozen water: Ger
- Gasthaus cubes
- German `rocks`
- German cooler
- German cubes
- German dessert
- German freezer item
- German treat
- Grafton`s `--- for Evidence`
- Hard wasser
- Hard water on the autobahn
- Hard water, in Hamburg
- Helmut`s ice
- Ice cream, in Innsbruck
- Ice in Berlin
- Ice in Innsbruck
- Ice in Ulm
- Ice on the Isar
- Ice, in Bonn
- Ice, in bremen
- Ice, in Eisenach
- Ice, in Erlangen
- Ice, in Essen
- Ice, in Germany
- Ice, in Munich
- Ice, in Stuttgart
- Ice, to Irmentrud
- Ice: Ger
- Innsbruck Olympics surface
- It makes the autobahn slippery
- It may block the rhein
- It might halt traffic on the rhein
- It`s cold in Koln
- It`s frozen in Frankfurt
- It`s used in a Berlin bar
- Largest known dwarf planet
- Milieu for Katarina Witt
- Oktoberfest cubes
- Oktoberfest rocks
- Rathskeller cooler
- Rathskeller rocks
- Rhein blocker
- Rhine floe
- Rink surface, in Munich
- Road hazard in frankfurt
- Rocks on the Rhein
- Rocks, to a German bartender
- Rostock bar stock
- Ruhr refrigerant
- Sommer cooler
- Start of some picture dictionaries` fifth pages
- Sue Grafton`s `--- for Evidence`
- Sue Grafton`s --- for Evidence
- Surface for the Olympische Winterspiele
- U-Boot hazard
- Wasser cooler
- Wasser in the winter
- Wasser in Winter
- Wasser that`s frozen
- Wasser, below zero
- Water frozen in the Weser
- Winter autobahn hazard
- Winter hazard in munich
- Winter hazard on the autobahn
- Winter woe, in Wittenberg
- Wintry Autobahn hazard
Definitions of “eis”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• Educational Institute of Scotland
• Electronic Image Stabiliser
• Enterprise Information Systems
• Environmental Impact Statement
• Environmental impact statement
• Executive Information System
• Executive information system
• Acronym for Enterprise Investment Scheme
• Engineering and Installation Squadron
• Enterprise/Executive Information System
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