eis (Crossword)

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We didn't find answers to the clue “Eis” but we did find clues where “Eis” could be the answer:
  1. Autobahn hazard
  2. Autobahn winter hazard
  3. Becker`s drink additive
  4. Berlin bar need
  5. Berlin bar supply
  6. Berliner`s ice
  7. Bier chiller
  8. Biergarten cooler
  9. Block in a cologne cooler
  10. Block in Berlin
  11. Clinker in a Glas
  12. Cocktail cooler, in Coblenz
  13. Cold stuff, in Germany
  14. Cold water in Cologne
  15. Cologne cooler
  16. Cologne cubes
  17. Coolant in coburg
  18. Danger for a U-Boot
  19. Danger on der Autobahn
  20. Dortmund dessert
  21. Dresden drink cooler
  22. Drink cooler, in Dresden
  23. Dusseldorf dessert
  24. Düsseldorf dessert
  25. Environmental impact statement
  26. Frankfurt freezer cubes
  27. Fritz`s ice
  28. Frozen wasser
  29. Frozen water in Berlin
  30. Frozen water in Germany
  31. Frozen water, in Wittenberg
  32. Frozen water, to Wilhelm
  33. Frozen water: Ger
  34. Gasthaus cubes
  35. German `rocks`
  36. German cooler
  37. German cubes
  38. German dessert
  39. German freezer item
  40. German treat
  41. Grafton`s `--- for Evidence`
  42. Hard wasser
  43. Hard water on the autobahn
  44. Hard water, in Hamburg
  45. Helmut`s ice
  46. Ice cream, in Innsbruck
  47. Ice in Berlin
  48. Ice in Innsbruck
  49. Ice in Ulm
  50. Ice on the Isar
  51. Ice, in Bonn
  52. Ice, in bremen
  53. Ice, in Eisenach
  54. Ice, in Erlangen
  55. Ice, in Essen
  56. Ice, in Germany
  57. Ice, in Munich
  58. Ice, in Stuttgart
  59. Ice, to Irmentrud
  60. Ice: Ger
  61. Innsbruck Olympics surface
  62. It makes the autobahn slippery
  63. It may block the rhein
  64. It might halt traffic on the rhein
  65. It`s cold in Koln
  66. It`s frozen in Frankfurt
  67. It`s used in a Berlin bar
  68. Largest known dwarf planet
  69. Milieu for Katarina Witt
  70. Oktoberfest cubes
  71. Oktoberfest rocks
  72. Rathskeller cooler
  73. Rathskeller rocks
  74. Rhein blocker
  75. Rhine floe
  76. Rink surface, in Munich
  77. Road hazard in frankfurt
  78. Rocks on the Rhein
  79. Rocks, to a German bartender
  80. Rostock bar stock
  81. Ruhr refrigerant
  82. Sommer cooler
  83. Start of some picture dictionaries` fifth pages
  84. Sue Grafton`s `--- for Evidence`
  85. Sue Grafton`s --- for Evidence
  86. Surface for the Olympische Winterspiele
  87. U-Boot hazard
  88. Wasser cooler
  89. Wasser in the winter
  90. Wasser in Winter
  91. Wasser that`s frozen
  92. Wasser, below zero
  93. Water frozen in the Weser
  94. Winter autobahn hazard
  95. Winter hazard in munich
  96. Winter hazard on the autobahn
  97. Winter woe, in Wittenberg
  98. Wintry Autobahn hazard

Definitions of “eis”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.

• Educational Institute of Scotland
• Electronic Image Stabiliser
• Enterprise Information Systems
• Environmental Impact Statement
• Environmental impact statement
• Executive Information System
• Executive information system
• Acronym for Enterprise Investment Scheme
• Engineering and Installation Squadron
• Enterprise/Executive Information System

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