emoji (Crossword)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Emoji” but we did find clues
where “Emoji” could be the answer:
- Angry Face With Horns, for one
- Bit of graphic language
- Digital icon used to express an idea or emotion
- Email addition
- Expressive characters
- Expressive chat image
- Expressive online image
- Face in a text
- Face with heart-shaped eyes
- Face With Tears of Joy
- Facebook status symbol
- Funny face
- Heart-eyes face
- Iconic figures found in certain texts
- Image in electronic messages
- Internet slang
- Loudly crying face, for one
- Modern pictograph
- Modern-day hieroglyph
- Nontext part of a text
- Pictogram in a text
- Smiley face
- Smiley face in a text
- Smiley face or frowny face
- Smiley face with hearts for eyes
- Smiley Face with Smiling Eyes
- Smiley Face with Sunglasses
- Smiling Face With Sunglasses, for one
- Symbol like `prayer hands` or `heart eyes`
- Symbol used in text messaging
- Text adornment
- Text adornments
- Text image
- Text picture in the title of a 2017 animated film
- Texter`s icon
- Texting icon
- Tiny birthday cake
- Website art of a sort
- What you might use to put on a happy face
- Winking Face on social media
- Winky face in a text
- Yours may be a happy face
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