eugene (Crossword)
We didn't find an exact match for “Eugene” but this clue may be related:
- Eugene`s st ( = ORE)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Eugene” but we did find clues
where “Eugene” could be the answer:
- Ah, Wilderness! author O`Neill
- Beaver State city
- Beyond the Horizon playwright O`Neill
- Canadian comedian Levy
- Canadian comedian Levy of S.CTV
- City in Oregon
- City northwest of crater lake
- City on the willamette
- City on the Willamette River
- City on the Williamette
- City south of Portland
- City south of salem
- City in the US
- City in the USA
- City in the Americas
- City in North America
- City in the United States
- Comedian Mirman
- Conductor ormandy
- Crossword editor Maleska
- Desire Under the Elms playwright O`Neill
- Dramatist Ionesco
- Dramatist o`neill
- Field of poetic fame
- Field of poetry
- Field or Ormandy
- Film funnyman Levy
- Five-time presidential candidate Debs
- French boy name
- French word used in English
- French word in the English language
- Full general
- General
- Given name of Greek language origin
- Home campus of the ducks
- Home city of the Pac-12`s Ducks
- Home of the Oregon Ducks
- Home of the Webfoots
- Ionesco
- Ionesco or Delacroix
- It`s about 100 miles south of Portland
- Liberty Leading the People painter Delacroix
- O`Neill
- O`neill or ionesco
- Onegin of opera
- Oregon city where Nike was founded
- Oregon city, or a man`s name
- Oregon college town
- Oregon Ducks` home
- Oregon`s `Emerald City`
- Oregon`s Emerald City
- Ormandy
- Pac-10 town
- Painter delacroix
- Pallette or O`Neill
- Philadelphia`s Ormandy
- Playwright Ionesco
- Playwright lonesco
- Playwright o`neill
- Poet Field
- Prince eugene of savoy
- Pulitzer Prize-winning dramatist O`Neill
- Pulitzer-winner O`Neill
- SCTV`s Levy
- Seat of Oregon`s Lane County
- Socialist Debs
- Stand-up comic Mirman
- Sue or Onegin
- Tchaikovsky`s `--- Onegin`
- Town in Oreggon
- University of Oregon city
- University of Oregon home
- University of Oregon locale
- University of Oregon setting
- University of oregon site
- University of Oregon`s site
- Washington Post columnist Robinson
- West Coast city where Nike had its start
- Where to find Ducks in Oregon
- Willamette Valley city
- Wolfe hero
- Writer o`neill
These clues may also be related:
- Eugene`s state ( = OREGON)
- Eugene`s location ( = OREGON)
- Eugene`s loc ( = ORE)
- Eugene`s home ( = OREGON)
- Eugene`s heroine ( = ANNA)
- Eugene`s existence ( = ONEILLLIFETOLIVE)
- Eugene`s daughter ( = OONA)
- Eugene`s Christie ( = ANNA)
- Eugene wigner ( = WIGNER)
- Eugene who wrote Wynken, Blynken and Nod ( = FIELD)
Definitions of “eugene”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• City, seat (1853) of Lane county, western Oregon, U
• (Eugen) Jahnke studied mathematics and physics at the Humboldt University of Berlin
• Austrian general in the service of the Holy Roman Empire during the War of the Spanish Succession (1663-1736)
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