eugene (Crossword)

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We didn't find an exact match for “Eugene” but this clue may be related:

We didn't find answers to the clue “Eugene” but we did find clues where “Eugene” could be the answer:
  1. Ah, Wilderness! author O`Neill
  2. Beaver State city
  3. Beyond the Horizon playwright O`Neill
  4. Canadian comedian Levy
  5. Canadian comedian Levy of S.CTV
  6. City in Oregon
  7. City northwest of crater lake
  8. City on the willamette
  9. City on the Willamette River
  10. City on the Williamette
  11. City south of Portland
  12. City south of salem
  13. City in the US
  14. City in the USA
  15. City in the Americas
  16. City in North America
  17. City in the United States
  18. Comedian Mirman
  19. Conductor ormandy
  20. Crossword editor Maleska
  21. Desire Under the Elms playwright O`Neill
  22. Dramatist Ionesco
  23. Dramatist o`neill
  24. Field of poetic fame
  25. Field of poetry
  26. Field or Ormandy
  27. Film funnyman Levy
  28. Five-time presidential candidate Debs
  29. French boy name
  30. French word used in English
  31. French word in the English language
  32. Full general
  33. General
  34. Given name of Greek language origin
  35. Home campus of the ducks
  36. Home city of the Pac-12`s Ducks
  37. Home of the Oregon Ducks
  38. Home of the Webfoots
  39. Ionesco
  40. Ionesco or Delacroix
  41. It`s about 100 miles south of Portland
  42. Liberty Leading the People painter Delacroix
  43. O`Neill
  44. O`neill or ionesco
  45. Onegin of opera
  46. Oregon city where Nike was founded
  47. Oregon city, or a man`s name
  48. Oregon college town
  49. Oregon Ducks` home
  50. Oregon`s `Emerald City`
  51. Oregon`s Emerald City
  52. Ormandy
  53. Pac-10 town
  54. Painter delacroix
  55. Pallette or O`Neill
  56. Philadelphia`s Ormandy
  57. Playwright Ionesco
  58. Playwright lonesco
  59. Playwright o`neill
  60. Poet Field
  61. Prince eugene of savoy
  62. Pulitzer Prize-winning dramatist O`Neill
  63. Pulitzer-winner O`Neill
  64. SCTV`s Levy
  65. Seat of Oregon`s Lane County
  66. Socialist Debs
  67. Stand-up comic Mirman
  68. Sue or Onegin
  69. Tchaikovsky`s `--- Onegin`
  70. Town in Oreggon
  71. University of Oregon city
  72. University of Oregon home
  73. University of Oregon locale
  74. University of Oregon setting
  75. University of oregon site
  76. University of Oregon`s site
  77. Washington Post columnist Robinson
  78. West Coast city where Nike had its start
  79. Where to find Ducks in Oregon
  80. Willamette Valley city
  81. Wolfe hero
  82. Writer o`neill

These clues may also be related:

Definitions of “eugene”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.

• City, seat (1853) of Lane county, western Oregon, U
• (Eugen) Jahnke studied mathematics and physics at the Humboldt University of Berlin
• Austrian general in the service of the Holy Roman Empire during the War of the Spanish Succession (1663-1736)

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