ext (Crossword)
We didn't find an exact match for “Ext” but these clues may be related:
- It may have an ext ( = PHONE NO)
- It may have an ext. ( = TEL)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Ext” but we did find clues
where “Ext” could be the answer:
- Abbr. after a phone no
- Abbr. after a phone number, on a business card
- Abbr. after a telephone no
- Abbr. after a telephone number
- Abbr. on a business card
- Abbreviation after a phone number
- Abbreviation after a telephone number
- Add`l phone
- Add`l phone line
- Add-on no
- Addl. phone
- Addl. telephone off a main line
- Addnl. ph
- Addnl. ph.
- Addnl. phone
- Antithesis of int
- Business card (abbr.)
- Business card info
- Business no
- Business phone number add-on
- Business phone number part
- Business-card letters
- Call routing (abbr.)
- Call routing no
- Certain phone number
- Contact info spec
- Digits after a ph. no
- Directory (abbr.)
- Fire department device
- Hotel phone (abbr.)
- In-house #
- Inside no
- Inside number
- Internal phone no
- Interoffice phone no
- It often precedes a three-digit number
- Letters on a business card
- Necklace units & wire rings in tires
- Nos. pressed after getting through
- Not int
- Ofc. line
- Ofc. phone line
- Office contact no
- Office no
- Office number
- Office number (abbr.)
- Office ph. line
- Office phone (abbr.)
- Office phone add-on
- Office phone no
- Office phone number
- Opposite of int
- Part of a business phone no
- Part of a suite no
- Part of a telephone no
- Part of an office phone no
- Part of many tel. numbers
- Part of some tel. nos
- Part of some tel. numbers
- Part of some telephone nos
- Pbx number
- Phone (abbr.)
- Phone line (abbr.)
- Phone menu no
- Phone msg. detail
- Phone no
- Phone number (abbr.)
- Phone number add-on
- Phone number addition
- Phone number at the office
- Phone number dialed at any time
- Phone number follower
- Phone-line (abbr.)
- Request to a switchboard oper
- Request to an oper
- Routing number of a sort
- Sec. phone
- Second tel. line
- Switchboard (abbr.)
- Tel. add-on
- Tel. line
- Tel. number add-on
- Tel. number addition
- Tel. number adjunct
- Tel. number detail
- Tel. number finisher
- Tel. number part
- Telephone no
- Telephone number add-on
- Three nos. in the office
- Three-digit number, often
- Time-saving phone no
- Transfer no
- Work phone no
These clues may also be related:
- Extubation of a cannula ( = DECANNULATION)
- Extrusive ( = ERUPTIVE)
- Extrusion gadgets ( = RICERS)
- Extrusion (15 words, e.g. CAPUT)
- Extrudes ( = JUTS)
- Extrude ( = JUT)
- Extrovertly ( = SOCIABLY)
- Extrovertive (6 words, e.g. EXTRAVERSIVE)
- Extrovertish (2 words, e.g. EXTRAVERSIVE)
- Extroverted (11 words, e.g. EXTRAVERSIVE)
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Also look at the related clues for crossword clues with similar answers to “ext”