fas (Crossword)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Fas” but we did find clues
where “Fas” could be the answer:
- B-flats in an F major scale
- Between mis and sols
- Divine law of the Romans
- Followers of mis
- Fourth members of a musical group
- Fourth notes
- Fourth notes in a diatonic scale
- Fourth notes in a scale
- Fourth notes in diatonic scales
- Fourth notes in major scales
- Fourth parts in series of eight
- Fourth scale degrees
- Fourth steps
- Fourth steps in some sequences
- Fourth steps on a scale
- Fourth tones
- Fourth tones in scales
- In between the mis and the sols
- Justice: Lat
- Mi followers
- Mi-sol go-betweens
- Mis` followers
- Mis` neighbors
- Monogram of `ol` blue eyes`
- Monogram of 0l blue eyes
- Monogram of Ol` Blue Eyes
- Music notes
- Musical fourths
- Musical notes
- Musical notes after mis
- Musical notes between mi`s and sols
- Musical scale notes
- Musical syllables
- Notes above mis
- Notes after mis
- Notes around Christmastime
- Notes before sols
- Notes between mis and sols
- Notes following mi
- Notes in a music scale
- Notes in a scale
- Notes in scales
- Notes of scales
- Notes of the scale
- Notes that are a perfect fourth above do
- Notes to precede sos
- Ol` Blue Eyes` monogram
- Points on a scale
- Religious law: Lat
- Scale fourths
- Scale notes
- Scale syllables
- Singer`s warm-up syllables
- Sol preceders
- Solfeggio syllables
- Solfeggio tones
- Solmization syllables
- Sols` neighbors
- Sols` preceders
- Some musical syllables
- Some notes
- Some scale syllables
- Some scale tones
- Sos preceders
- Strangers in the Night singer`s initials
- Subdominant notes
- Sung syllables
- They come before sols
- They follow mis
- They follow mis on a music scale
- They`re fourth on a musical scale
- They`re fourth on the way up
- Tones above mis
Definitions of “fas”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• Free alongside ship
• Fas can mean the following
• Federation of American Scientists
• Funding Agency for Schools
• Stands for free alongside
• Free Along Side (of ship)
• Abbreviation: Final Approach Speed
• Abbreviation for the Incoterm Free Alongside Ship
• Foreign Agricultural Service, an agency of the USDA
• Same as FOB but without the cost of loading onto a ship
A further 6 definitions can be found on Encyclo
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