flax (Crossword)
We didn't find an exact match for “Flax” but this clue may be related:
- Flax: Sp ( = LINO)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Flax” but we did find clues
where “Flax” could be the answer:
- Any of various plants resembling flax
- Bast fiber source
- Biodegradable material
- Certain plant or fiber
- Cigarette paper source
- Exclusively Saxon word
- Exclusively Anglo word
- Fellow gets loose fibre
- Fiber made into thread
- Fiber that`s spun
- Fiber-yielding plant
- Fine fiber
- Fine loose fibres
- Important Colonial America crop
- Linen fabric
- Linen fiber
- Linen fiber source
- Linen plant
- Linen raw material
- Linen source
- Linen-fiber source
- Linseed oil and linen source
- Linseed oil seed grown on the Canadian prairies
- Linseed oil source
- Linseed source
- Oil source
- Omega-3 fatty acid source
- Painting material
- Pale grayish yellow
- Plant fiber
- Plant fibre
- Plant prized for its fiber and seeds
- Raw material for rumpelstiltskin
- Seed source of omega-3
- Something that`s spun
- Source of linen
- Source of linseed oil
- Spinning fiber
- Spinning wheel material
- Spun fiber
- Textile source
- Vegetarian source of Omega-3 fats
- What linen is made from
- Whence linseed oil and linen
- Word with Anglo-Saxon origins
- Word with no outside influence
- Word of purely Anglo origin
These clues may also be related:
- Flowering flax ( = LINUM)
- Flaxseed, sunflower ( = OILS)
- Flaxseed-eating finch ( = LINNET)
- Flaxseed or quinoa ( = HEALTH FOOD)
- Flaxseed byproduct ( = OIL)
- Flaxseed ( = LINSEED)
- Flaxlike fibers ( = RAMIES)
- Flaxlike fiber ( = RAMIE)
- Flaxen-haired one ( = TOWHEAD)
- Flaxen-haired ( = BLOND)
Definitions of “flax”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• The skin or fibrous part of the flax plant
• Any of various plants resembling flax
• Pale yellow (hair) a plantÂ
• A plant whose stems were used to make a cloth called linen
• Flax or linseed is a popular name of plants of the genus Linum
• The natural fiber, grown chiefly in Western and Eastern Europe
• The plant from which cellulosic linen fiber is obtained
• (Linum) The Linums or Flaxes form a large group of biennial
• (moth) Flax is a genus of moths of the Micronoctuidae family
• Any of a group of plants including the cultivated L. usitatissimum
A further 15 definitions can be found on Encyclo
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