flexor (Crossword)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Flexor” but we did find clues
where “Flexor” could be the answer:
- A muscle that serves to flex or bend a part of the body
- Bending muscle
- Biceps
- Biceps for one
- Flexor muscle
- Kind of muscle
- Limb bender
- Limb-bending muscle
- Skeletal muscle
- Striated muscle
Definitions of “flexor”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• (flek´sor) causing flexion
• A muscle which bends or flexes any part
• A muscle that pulls one bone toward another bone
• A muscle the action of which is to flex a joint
• A muscle which causes a limb or other part to bend
• Muscle responsible for closing the angle of a joint
• A flexor is a muscle which serves to bends a joint or limb
• A muscle that serves to flex or bend a part of the body
• (flek;sor) A muscle that decreases the angle of a joint when it contracts
• A muscle that is involved in bending (flexing) a limb or part of the body
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