footage (Crossword)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Footage” but we did find clues
where “Footage” could be the answer:
- Amount or length of film
- Cassette
- Cd
- Copy
- Cut-and-print! measure
- Demo
- Exclusively Saxon word
- Exclusively Anglo word
- Film
- Film editor`s concern
- Film length
- Film that has been shot
- Film-making measure
- Filmed material
- Filmed sequence
- Filming quantity
- Fodder for a movie editor
- Hard-news bit, tv-style
- Home video supplement
- It may be raw
- Length, as of movie film
- Live at Five clip
- Material for a film editor
- Measure that`s often square
- Movie scenes
- News clip
- Payment by the running foot of work done
- Photographic film
- Piece of recorded film
- Real estate area
- Record
- Soundtrack
- Tape
- The amount so paid
- Video recording
- Word with Anglo-Saxon origins
- Word of purely Anglo origin
- Word with no outside influence
Definitions of “footage”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• (Noun) A piece of film
• In filmmaking and video production
• Raw, unedited film or video materials
• The amount of film that has been shot
• The length of a film or piece of film
• · payment by the running foot of work done
• 1.: The amount of film one has shot
• A rate of charging by the linear foot of work done
• Length or extent in feet: the footage of lumber
• Video or film recordings, originally on tape and measured in feet
Synonyms of “footage”
Using a synonym can be a good alternative for using “footage”. You might be able to find more answers by using these:-, cassette, CD, copy, demo, record, soundtrack and video recording.
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