franco (Crossword)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Franco” but we did find clues
where “Franco” could be the answer:
- Bygone spanish dictator
- Dictator
- Dictator succeeded by King Juan Carlos I
- Dictator until 1975
- Director Zeffirelli
- El caudillo
- Fictional serial killer
- Fictional sexual assault victim
- Filipino rock music group
- Film director zeffirelli
- Filmdom`s Zeffirelli
- Former dictator
- Francisco franco
- Full general
- General
- General Hospital character
- Harris of NFL fame
- Hathaway`s Oscars co-host
- He reigned in spain
- Italian boy name
- Italian director Zeffirelli
- James of Freaks and Geeks
- James of Pineapple Express
- Juan Carlos` predecessor
- Longtime Spanish dictator
- Madrid name
- Masculine given name
- Mets reliever John
- Nero or Harris
- Potentate
- Self-proclaimed caudillo of Spain
- Spanish caudillo
- Spanish dictator
- Spanish general and dictator
- Spanish leader, 1939-75
Definitions of “franco”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• (Francisco Paulino Hermenegildo Teódulo Franco-Bahamonde) (“El Caudillo”)
• Spanish general whose armies took control of Spain in 1939 and who ruled as a dictator until his death (1892-1975)
• (General Hospital) Robert James `Franco` Frank is a fictional character from the ABC Daytime drama General Hospital
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