ganache (Crossword)

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We didn't find answers to the clue “Ganache” but we did find clues where “Ganache” could be the answer:
  1. Chocolate coating
  2. Chocolate truffle filling
  3. French cuisine
  4. French word used in English
  5. French word in the English language

Definitions of “ganache”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.

• This is a cake filling made of cream and chocolate
• A rich chocolate filling or coating made with chocolate
• A mixture of chocolate and cream that is used as the center for truffles
• A rich icing made of chocolate and cream heated and stirred together
• A sweet, rich chocolate, denser than mousse but less dense than fudge
• Chocolate and cream are slowly heated up and stirred to a glossy sheen
• Ganache (ʃ; from the French word for `jowl`) is a glaze, icing
• This is another popular way to “ice” a cake as well as a cake filling
• A smooth preparation of chocolate melted with cream and/or butter
• (ga-NASH) A mixture of chocolate and cream, with a velvety smooth texture
A further 8 definitions can be found on Encyclo

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