gillespie (Crossword)

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We didn't find an exact match for “Gillespie” but this clue may be related:

We didn't find answers to the clue “Gillespie” but we did find clues where “Gillespie” could be the answer:
  1. Bebop trumpeter
  2. Contemporary of Parker and Monk
  3. Cornetist
  4. Dizzy gillespie
  5. Dizzy musician
  6. Dizzy trumpet player
  7. Jazz trumpeter
  8. John birks gillespie
  9. Lionel Barrymore role
  10. Scottish boy name
  11. Trumpeter

These clues may also be related:

Definitions of “gillespie”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.

• United States jazz trumpeter and exponent of bebop (1917-1993)
• Gillespie is both a masculine given name, and a surname in the English language
• The USS Gillespie was an American Buchanan Class destroyer of 1630 tons displacement launched in 1942

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