gina (Crossword)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Gina” but we did find clues
where “Gina” could be the answer:
- `Dennis the Menace` girl
- `Sesame Street` veterinarian
- Actress Carano of Deadpool
- Actress Carano of Fast & Furious 6, 2013
- Actress gershon
- Actress Gershon of Bound
- Actress Gershon of Cocktail
- Actress lollobrigida
- Actress Rodriguez who voices Carmen Sandiego
- Actress Torres of Firefly
- Blues Traveler song about their tour manager
- Blues Traveler song off their debut album
- Burt and Tony`s Trapeze co-star
- Chelsea Peretti`s Brooklyn Nine-Nine role
- Dennis the menace`s friend
- Dianne Wiest`s In Treatment role
- Entertainer Lollobrigida
- Face/Off actress Gershon
- Famous first name, in movies
- Feminine given name
- First name of movie fame
- First name of screen star
- Francesco Cilea opera
- Gang rape in fiction
- Gershon of `bound`
- Gershon of Cocktail
- Gershon of Face/Off
- Gershon of film
- Gershon of Hollywood
- Gershon of House of Versace
- Gershon of Killer Joe
- Gershon of PS I Love You
- Gershon of Rescue Me
- Gershon of Riverdale
- Gershon of Showgirls
- Girlfriend on Martin
- Graphical identification and authentication
- Greek pianist bachauer
- Hollywood`s Gershon
- Hollywood`s Lollobrigida
- Jane the Virgin actress Rodriguez
- Jane the Virgin star Rodriguez
- Japanese girl name
- Joey`s sister on Joey
- Johnny Mathis tune
- La Lollo`s first name
- Legendary Lollobrigida
- Likely Obama EPA chief McCarthy
- Lollobrigida
- Lollobrigida of `hotel paradiso`
- Lollobrigida of film
- Lollobrigida of films
- Lollobrigida of Hollywood
- Lollobrigida of Solomon and Sheba
- Lollobrigida of the screen
- Lollobrigida or gershon
- Lovely Lollobrigida
- Luscious Lollobrigida
- Martin`s girlfriend, on Martin
- Martin`s wife on the 1990s sitcom Martin
- Ms. lollobrigida
- Portrayer of Jennifer`s lover in Bound
- Rapture, Blister, Burn playwright Gionfriddo
- Rock`s co-star in `strange bedfellows`
- Rock`s co-star in Strange Bedfellows
- Rock`s counterpart in Strange Bedfellows
- Rodriguez of Jane the Virgin
- Schock of The Go-Go`s
- Science journalist Kolata
- She`s crazy for gain!
- Signoret film
- Sophia contemporary
- Suits actress Torres
- The Go-Go`s drummer Schock
- Yul`s Solomon and Sheba co-star
Definitions of “gina”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act
• Gina is a cultivated variety of potato
• Graphical Identification and Authentication
• (Canaan) Gina, mentioned in the Amarna Letters, was a town in ancient Canaan
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