gina (Crossword)

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We didn't find answers to the clue “Gina” but we did find clues where “Gina” could be the answer:
  1. `Dennis the Menace` girl
  2. `Sesame Street` veterinarian
  3. Actress Carano of Deadpool
  4. Actress Carano of Fast & Furious 6, 2013
  5. Actress gershon
  6. Actress Gershon of Bound
  7. Actress Gershon of Cocktail
  8. Actress lollobrigida
  9. Actress Rodriguez who voices Carmen Sandiego
  10. Actress Torres of Firefly
  11. Blues Traveler song about their tour manager
  12. Blues Traveler song off their debut album
  13. Burt and Tony`s Trapeze co-star
  14. Chelsea Peretti`s Brooklyn Nine-Nine role
  15. Dennis the menace`s friend
  16. Dianne Wiest`s In Treatment role
  17. Entertainer Lollobrigida
  18. Face/Off actress Gershon
  19. Famous first name, in movies
  20. Feminine given name
  21. First name of movie fame
  22. First name of screen star
  23. Francesco Cilea opera
  24. Gang rape in fiction
  25. Gershon of `bound`
  26. Gershon of Cocktail
  27. Gershon of Face/Off
  28. Gershon of film
  29. Gershon of Hollywood
  30. Gershon of House of Versace
  31. Gershon of Killer Joe
  32. Gershon of PS I Love You
  33. Gershon of Rescue Me
  34. Gershon of Riverdale
  35. Gershon of Showgirls
  36. Girlfriend on Martin
  37. Graphical identification and authentication
  38. Greek pianist bachauer
  39. Hollywood`s Gershon
  40. Hollywood`s Lollobrigida
  41. Jane the Virgin actress Rodriguez
  42. Jane the Virgin star Rodriguez
  43. Japanese girl name
  44. Joey`s sister on Joey
  45. Johnny Mathis tune
  46. La Lollo`s first name
  47. Legendary Lollobrigida
  48. Likely Obama EPA chief McCarthy
  49. Lollobrigida
  50. Lollobrigida of `hotel paradiso`
  51. Lollobrigida of film
  52. Lollobrigida of films
  53. Lollobrigida of Hollywood
  54. Lollobrigida of Solomon and Sheba
  55. Lollobrigida of the screen
  56. Lollobrigida or gershon
  57. Lovely Lollobrigida
  58. Luscious Lollobrigida
  59. Martin`s girlfriend, on Martin
  60. Martin`s wife on the 1990s sitcom Martin
  61. Ms. lollobrigida
  62. Portrayer of Jennifer`s lover in Bound
  63. Rapture, Blister, Burn playwright Gionfriddo
  64. Rock`s co-star in `strange bedfellows`
  65. Rock`s co-star in Strange Bedfellows
  66. Rock`s counterpart in Strange Bedfellows
  67. Rodriguez of Jane the Virgin
  68. Schock of The Go-Go`s
  69. Science journalist Kolata
  70. She`s crazy for gain!
  71. Signoret film
  72. Sophia contemporary
  73. Suits actress Torres
  74. The Go-Go`s drummer Schock
  75. Yul`s Solomon and Sheba co-star

Definitions of “gina”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.

• Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act
• Gina is a cultivated variety of potato
• Graphical Identification and Authentication
• (Canaan) Gina, mentioned in the Amarna Letters, was a town in ancient Canaan

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