grappa (Crossword)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Grappa” but we did find clues
where “Grappa” could be the answer:
- Brandy
- Foreign spirit doctor outside Knock is anonymous
- Fragrant Italian brandy
- Italian brandy
- Italian brandy made from residue of grapes after pressing
- Italian drink
- Italian drink with high alcohol content
- Italian eau de vie
- Italian pomace brandy
- Italian spirit
- Italian spirits
- Liquor in an Italian restaurant
- Unaged Italian brandy
Definitions of “grappa”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• Liqueur made from the must of grapes
• Liquor made by distilling the wine musk
• An Italian brandy distilled from the pulpy mass of skins
• Italian brandy made from residue of grapes after pressing
• Spirit distilled from pomace of grapes previously crushed for wine
• A colorless alcohol with an alcohol content of 40 percent distilled from the pressed skins and seeds of the grapes left after wine making
• (GRAHP-pah) - An old alcoholic beverage made from the remnants of wine-grape pressings (whatever was leftover, including stems
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