halifax (Crossword)
We didn't find an exact match for “Halifax” but this clue may be related:
- Halifax, for one ( = SEAPORT)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Halifax” but we did find clues
where “Halifax” could be the answer:
- Birthplace of today`s performer
- Canada`s busiest eastern port
- Canadian capital city
- Canadian city where Sloan is from
- Capital east of Bangor
- Capital east-northeast of boston
- Capital of Nova Scotia, Canada
- City in Nova Scotia
- City in Nova Scotia, or England
- Fahaxil
- Home of canada`s main naval base
- Largest city in the maritime provinces
- Nova scotia port of call
- Nova scotian capital
- Nova scotian port
- Port of Nova Scotia
- Provincial capital
These clues may also be related:
- Halifax, NS, watch setting ( = AST)
- Halifax`s province ( = NOVA SCOTIA)
- Halifax`s home ( = NOVA SCOTIA)
- Halifax university ( = DALHOUSIE)
- Halifax theatre ( = NEPTUNE)
- Halifax hours ( = AST)
Definitions of “halifax”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• Provincial capital and largest city of Nova Scotia
• Town, seat of Halifax county, northeastern North Carolina
• (MBTA station) Halifax Station is located at 6 Garden Road
• (UK) Town in West Yorkshire, northern England, on the River Calder
• (former city) The City of Halifax was an incorporated city in Nova Scotia
• City, capital of Nova Scotia, Canada, and seat (1759) of Halifax county
• Town, metropolitan borough of Calderdale, metropolitan county of West Yorkshire
• (Canada) Capital of Nova Scotia, Canada, on the eastern shore of the province
• (electoral district) Halifax is a federal electoral district in Nova Scotia
• The Handley Page HP 57 Halifax was a British four engined heavy bomber of the Second World War
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