han (Crossword)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Han” but we did find clues
where “Han” could be the answer:
- `Return of the Jedi` rescuee
- --- Solo
- --- Solo of `Star Wars`
- Actress on Murphy`s Law
- Ancient Chinese state
- Asian river
- Author Suyin
- Ben Solo`s dad
- Ben Solo`s father
- Big name in cinematic space operas
- Brawny sort
- Breaks ground
- Ch`in dynasty follower
- Chang feeder
- Chewbacca`s captain
- Chewbacca`s friend
- Chewbacca`s friend Solo
- Chewie was his co-pilot
- Chewie`s chum
- Chewie`s chum in Star Wars
- Chewie`s co-pilot
- Chewie`s copilot in Star Wars
- Chewie`s pal
- Chewie`s shipmate
- China`s largest ethnic group
- China`s second imperial dynasty
- Chinese dynasty
- Chinese dynasty 2000 years ago
- Chinese dynasty after the Qin
- Chinese dynasty at the time of Christ
- Chinese dynasty during Caesar`s time
- Chinese dynasty during Christ`s lifetime
- Chinese dynasty during jesus` time on earth
- Chinese dynasty during the time of Christ
- Chinese dynasty for four centuries
- Chinese dynasty in power during Christ`s lifetime
- Chinese dynasty name
- Chinese dynasty of 2,000 years ago
- Chinese dynasty of Christ`s time
- Chinese dynasty preceding the Three Kingdoms
- Chinese dynasty spanning four centuries
- Chinese dynasty when jesus lived
- Chinese dynasty when the Silk Road was formed
- Chinese ethnic group that`s the world`s largest
- Chinese river
- Chinese waterway
- Cohort of luke and leia
- Dark Side adversary Solo
- Darth`s foe
- Dutch boy name
- Dynasty
- Dynasty after ch`in
- Dynasty after the ch`in
- Dynasty after the Qin
- Dynasty founded by Liu Pang
- Dynasty in which Confucianism became dominant
- Dynasty of 206 BC - 220 AD
- Dynasty of China
- Dynasty or Solo
- Dynasty ushered in after the Battle of Gaixia
- Early Eastern dynasty
- Emperor Gaozu`s dynasty
- Emperor Wu`s dynasty
- Ethnic group for most Chinese
- Expansive dynasty
- Fictional Solo
- Film Solo
- First name of the hero of the 2018 movie Solo
- Flier solo
- Flying solo
- Four-century-long Chinese dynasty
- Friend of Leia
- Friend of luke and leia
- German boy name
- Han dynasty
- Harrison Ford role
- Harrison ford`s solo
- Harrison in space
- Harrison in Star Wars
- Harrison role
- Harrison role in Star Wars
- Harrison`s `Star Wars role`
- Harrison`s `star wars` role
- Harrison`s breakout role
- Harrison`s role in The Empire Strikes Back
- Harrison`s role in the Star Wars movies
- Harrison`s Star Wars role
- Harrison`s three-time role
- He helped save Leia
- Imperial chinese dynasty
- Jabba adversary
- Kind of Chinese pottery
- Lando`s pal
- Lando`s sci-fi pal
- Largest ethnic group in China
- Leia`s love
- Leia`s rescuer
- Limb
- Liu Bang`s dynasty
- Liu pang`s dynasty
- Long-lasting Chinese dynasty
- Lover of Leia
- Luke and leia`s ally
- Luke`s cinematic pal
- Luke`s pal
- Luke`s Star Wars friend
- Major Chinese people
- Millennium Falcon flier Solo
- Millennium Falcon pilot Solo
- Most Chinese
- Most Chinese, ethnically
- Movie role for Harrison and Alden
- Mr. Solo
- Old chinese dynasty
- One of Harrison`s heroes
- Qin dynasty follower
- River into the Yangtze
- River in central China
- River or dynasty
- River or dynasty name
- River through Seoul
- River to the Yangtze
- River to Yangtze
- River in Asia
- River in China
- River of Asia
- River of Chofa
- Role for harrison
- Sci-fi character who says Never tell me the odds
- Sci-fi pilot Solo
- Sci-fi Solo
- Sci-fi`s --- Solo
- Sci-fi`s solo
- Shensi river
- Solo among the stars
- Solo flying
- Solo for Harrison Ford
- Solo from Lucas
- Solo in `star wars`
- Solo in a space flick
- Solo in a space opera
- Solo in a spaceship
- Solo in cinema
- Solo in films
- Solo in sci-fi
- Solo in science fiction
- Solo in space
- Solo in space epics
- Solo in the cockpit
- Solo in the Millennium Falcon
- Solo in the movies
- Solo of `star wars`
- Solo of Return of the Jedi
- Solo of sci-fi
- Solo of Solo
- Solo of some sci-fi films
- Solo of The Force Awakens
- Solo of the Star Wars series
- Solo of the upcoming Solo: A Star Wars Story
- Solo on film
- Solo on screen
- Solo on the big screen
- Solo on the screen
- Solo on the silver screen
- Solo on-screen
- Solo pilot
- Solo played by Ford
- Solo played by Harrison
- Solo played by Harrison Ford and Alden Ehrenreich
- Solo seen with Chewbacca
- Solo who flew with Chewbacca
- Solo who loved Leia
- Solo who said Chewie, we`re home!
- Solo who said Laugh it up, fuzzball!
- Solo who says Laugh it up, fuzzball!
- Solo with a Wookiee co-pilot
- Solo with memorable lines
- Solo`s first
- Solo, flyer
- Spaceman Solo
- Star Wars character
- Star Wars figure
- Star Wars forename
- Star Wars hero
- Star Wars pilot Solo
- Star Wars rogue
- Star Wars series hero
- Star Wars` Solo
- The Force Awakens role
- The Solo of 2018`s Solo: A Star Wars Story
- Tributary of the Yangtze
- Waterway in China
- Waterway in Asia
- Waterway of Chofa
- Waterway of Asia
- Who said Tell Jabba that I`ve got his money
- World`s largest ethnic group
- Wu Ti`s dynasty
- Yangtze feeder
- Yangtze tributary
- Yellow Sea feeder
Definitions of “han”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• Han is a German name for boys and girls
• The main ethnic group of the Chinese people
• (cultural) Han or Haan is a concept in Korean culture
• (trilobite) This article is about the trilobite
• Also Han Chinese. Term used to designate the ethnic majority
• The majority ethnic group in China, numbering about 990 million
• (hydroxyl ammonium nitrate) A relatively new, synthetic
• An alternative word for a caravansaray, used particularly in Turkey
• Half, as in han-juban - a half length juban (underwear kimono)
• Hanging wooden block struck to announce start of a period-of Zazen
A further 6 definitions can be found on Encyclo
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