hmo (Crossword)

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We didn't find answers to the clue “Hmo” but we did find clues where “Hmo” could be the answer:
  1. Abbr. in an employee benefits handbook
  2. Abbreviated medical plan
  3. ACA option
  4. Aetna offering
  5. Aetna offering briefly
  6. Affordable Care Act option (briefly)
  7. AMA concern
  8. Benefits option
  9. Blue cross offering
  10. Blue Cross offering (briefly)
  11. Blue Shield offering
  12. BlueChoice, for one
  13. Bunch of mds
  14. Care co
  15. Care coverage corp
  16. Care gp
  17. Care provider monogram
  18. Care provider (briefly)
  19. Care-limiting co
  20. Certain ins. group
  21. Cigna offering
  22. Clinic letters
  23. Clinic option
  24. Clinical letters
  25. Controversial medical entity
  26. Coverage co
  27. Coverage company
  28. Coverage corp
  29. Coverage gp
  30. Coverage group
  31. Coverage grp
  32. Coverage letters
  33. Coverage organisation
  34. Coverage plan (briefly)
  35. Coverage provider (briefly)
  36. Coverage-providing org
  37. Doc`s org
  38. Doctor`s gp
  39. Doctors` assn
  40. Doctors` gp
  41. Doctors` gr
  42. Dr. payment plan
  43. Dr. provider
  44. Dr.`s group
  45. Dr.`s payer, at times
  46. Dr.s` group
  47. Employee ins. option
  48. Employer of MDs
  49. ER bill payer
  50. ER payer
  51. Geographically based ins. plan
  52. Group handling insurance forms
  53. Group of doctors
  54. Group of GPs
  55. Group of MDs
  56. Group with PCPs
  57. HR offering for employees
  58. Health care gp
  59. Health care group
  60. Health insurance
  61. Health maintenance organization
  62. Health plan
  63. Humana offering
  64. Humana offering (briefly)
  65. Humana option
  66. Humana plan
  67. Ins. choice
  68. Ins. letters
  69. Ins. network
  70. Ins. option
  71. Ins. plan
  72. Ins. plan type
  73. Ins. plan with copays
  74. Insur. group
  75. Insurance gp
  76. Insurance group
  77. Insurance grp
  78. Insurance letters
  79. Insurance option that requires referrals
  80. Insurance provider for Dr. Ohm
  81. Insuring grp
  82. It may help pay some of your medical bills
  83. Kaiser Permanente
  84. Letters in managed care
  85. Letters in much recent health-care legislation
  86. MD grp
  87. MD provider
  88. MD`s group
  89. Managed care gp
  90. Managed care group
  91. Managed care grp
  92. Managed care insurance org
  93. Managed care org
  94. Managed care organisation
  95. Managed care plan
  96. MD collective
  97. MD group
  98. Md`s employer
  99. MD`s gp
  100. MDs` group
  101. Med coverage provider
  102. Med-plan group
  103. Medical Big Brother
  104. Medical care company
  105. Medical care gp
  106. Medical care group
  107. Medical care grp
  108. Medical care provider
  109. Medical care setup (briefly)
  110. Medical gr
  111. Medical group
  112. Medical ins. choice
  113. Medical ins. plan
  114. Medical ins. system
  115. Medical insurance (abbr.)
  116. Medical insurance choice
  117. Medical insurance co
  118. Medical insurance gp
  119. Medical insurance grp
  120. Medical insurance group with copays
  121. Medical insurance org
  122. Medical organisation
  123. Medical plan
  124. Medical plan for patients (briefly)
  125. Medical plan gp
  126. Medical plan group
  127. Medical plan letters
  128. Medical plan (briefly)
  129. Medical policy gp
  130. Medical provider (short)
  131. Medical provider group
  132. Medical provider grp
  133. Medical service group
  134. Medical service grp
  135. Medical-ins. system
  136. Medical-insurance co
  137. Medical-svc. group
  138. Medicare choice
  139. Modern medical grp
  140. Mostly home insurance grp
  141. Network of docs
  142. Network of medical providers (briefly)
  143. Open-enrollment grp
  144. Oxford
  145. Oxford offering
  146. PPO`s kin
  147. Patient care gp
  148. Patient care group
  149. Patient care grp
  150. Patient form info
  151. Patient gp
  152. Patient insurance gp
  153. Patient insurance group
  154. Patient insurance grp
  155. Patient-care gp
  156. Patient-care group
  157. Patient-care grp
  158. Patients` gp
  159. Payer of many dr. bills
  160. Payer of some hospital bills
  161. Physician`s gp
  162. Plan for hospital patients
  163. Plan for millions (briefly)
  164. Plan for patients (briefly)
  165. PPO alternative
  166. Prepaid medical service
  167. Private medical company
  168. Private medical plan
  169. Provider for patients (briefly)
  170. Rx payer
  171. System for an M.D
  172. Treatment middleman (briefly)
  173. Treatment middleman
  174. Type of ins. plan
  175. US Healthcare, for one
  176. WellCare
  177. WellCare or BlueChoice
  178. Wellcare, for one
  179. Wellness gp
  180. Wellness group
  181. Wellness grp
  182. WellPoint offering
  183. WellPoint plan
  184. Where to find a PA

Definitions of “hmo”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.

• Hypothetical mean organism
• Health maintenance organization
• Abbreviation for hypothetical mean organism
• See Health Maintenance Organization
• See health maintenance organization
• Abbreviation for health maintenance organization
• A health maintenance organization (HMO) is an organization that provides or arranges managed care for health insurance

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