hyperoxia (Crossword)

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We didn't find answers to the clue “Hyperoxia” but we did find a clue where “Hyperoxia” could be the answer:
  1. Clue: Diving medicine
    Answer: hyperoxia

Definitions of “hyperoxia”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.

• Hyperoxia is excess oxygen or higher than normal partial pressure of oxygen
• An excess of oxygen in the system, resulting from exposure to high oxygen concentrations
• Hyperoxia A condition characterized by abnormally high levels of oxygen in the blood and tissues
• A condition in which the total oxygen content of the body is increased above that normally existing at sea level
• A greater oxygen tension than normal, such as that produced by breathing air or oxygen at pressures greater than 1 atmosphere

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