kyoto (Crossword)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Kyoto” but we did find clues
where “Kyoto” could be the answer:
- Buddhist pilgrimage
- Capital of Japan from 794-1868
- Central Honshu city
- City
- City 30 miles northeast of Osaka
- City in central Japan
- City in japan
- City near Lake Biwa
- City that anagrams to its country`s capital
- City in Asia
- Climate protocol place
- Climate-change protocol city
- Doshisha university locale
- Ecology treaty city
- Environmental protocol city
- Environmental treaty
- Famous environmental meeting city
- Former capital of japan
- Former japanese capital
- Former capital of Japan
- Global warming treaty city
- Golden pavilion setting
- Greenhouse gas protocol city
- Home of Iwatayama Monkey Park
- Honshu city
- Imperial capital of Japan
- It`s not far from Osaka
- Japan`s capital until 1868
- Japan`s City of Ten Thousand Shrines
- Japan`s cultural center
- Japan`s former capital
- Japan`s second-oldest university
- Japan`s so-called City of Ten Thousand Shrines
- Japanese capital until 1868
- Japanese capital, of yore
- Japanese cultural center
- Japanese metropolis
- Memoirs of a Geisha setting
- Metropolis
- New Tokyo
- Nijo Castle setting
- Nijo Castle`s city
- Nijo Castle`s location
- Onetime capital of Japan
- Protocol-connected city
- Site of a noted environmental treaty
- Site of famed Kabuki theater
- Site of the 1997 UN Conference on Climate Change
- Song written by Skrillex
- Temple of the Golden Pavilion setting
- University city in Honshu
- Urban center
- Where the mikado once lived
Definitions of “kyoto”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• Imperial Capital from 794AD (when it was known as Heian-kyo) until 1868
• This category includes all past and present members of the United States Senate
• Former capital of Japan 794–1868 (when the capital was changed to Tokyo) on Honshu island
• Centre of Japanese ceramic production 1615-1868, noted particularly for enamelled and gilt pottery initiated by the 17thC potter Ninsei
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