lycra (Crossword)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Lycra” but we did find clues
where “Lycra” could be the answer:
- A brand of spandex
- Activewear fabric
- Activewear material
- Bicycle shorts material
- Biker`s wear
- Du pont trademark
- DuPont material
- Elastane brand
- Elastic brand
- Elastic fabric
- Elastic fiber
- Fabric lining sparkly cradle
- Fabric used for close-fitting sportswear
- Fabric used in tight-fitting cycling wear
- Fiber for wet suits
- Leotard fabric
- Material for bicycle shorts
- Material for bike shorts
- Ski pants material
- Ski-trip stretcher
- Sock fiber
- Spandex alias
- Spandex brand
- Spandex fiber
- Spandex material
- Spandex trademark
- Spandex: extremely crass clothing
- Sports bra fabric
- Stretch material
- Stretchy clothing material
- Stretchy fabric
- Stretchy fabric brand
- Stretchy leotard material
- Stretchy material in bicycle shorts
- Stretchy sportswear material
- Stretchy synthetic
- Swimwear fiber
- Swimwear material
- Unitard material
- Wet suit material
- Wetsuit material
- Wrestling singlet material
- Yoga wear fiber
Definitions of “lycra”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• A brand of spandex.
• DuPont's very stretchy spandex
• A DuPont trademark for its spandex fiber
• A DuPont trademark for its spandex fibre
• Showcase for muscle tone, for better or for worse
• Stretchy fabric included in most cycling clothing
• The trademark name for DuPont's brand of Spandex fiber
• (Fabrics) A DuPont trademark for its spandex fiber
• DuPont's registered trademark for its brand of Elastomer
• A stretch material used to make competitive swim suits and swim hats
A further 8 definitions can be found on Encyclo
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