macrobiotics (Crossword)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Macrobiotics” but we did find a clue
where “Macrobiotics” could be the answer:
- Clue: Dietetics
Answer: macrobiotics
Definitions of “macrobiotics”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• Macrobiotics is the art of prolonging life
• The study of the prolongation of life
• The study of the prolongation or extension of life
• The theory or practice of promoting well-being and longevity
• A theory of diet which places chief emphasis upon cereals and grains
• The theory of promoting health and longevity by means of diet (especially whole beans and grains)
• This Japanese philosophy is known in the West by its dietary principles and practice of whole foods cooked in a prescribed way
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