magneto (Crossword)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Magneto” but we did find clues
where “Magneto” could be the answer:
- Acclaimed movie villain
- Acclaimed villain
- Acclaimed villain in a movie
- Acclaimed movie rascal
- Acclaimed miscreant
- Acclaimed cinema miscreant
- Acclaimed miscreant in a movie
- Acclaimed miscreant in cinema
- Acclaimed silver screen miscreant
- Acclaimed movie miscreant
- Acclaimed movie rapscallion
- Acclaimed rascal in cinema
- Acclaimed miscreant of the silver screen
- Acclaimed rascal
- Acclaimed rascal of the silver screen
- Acclaimed silver screen rascal
- Acclaimed rascal in a movie
- Acclaimed cinema rascal
- Acclaimed rapscallion in a movie
- Acclaimed rapscallion
- Acclaimed movie caitiff
- Acclaimed caitiff
- Acclaimed caitiff in a movie
- Acclaimed silver screen rapscallion
- Acclaimed caitiff in cinema
- Acclaimed caitiff of the silver screen
- Acclaimed rapscallion of the silver screen
- Acclaimed silver screen caitiff
- Acclaimed rapscallion in cinema
- Acclaimed cinema rapscallion
- Acclaimed reprobate in cinema
- Acclaimed cinema reprobate
- Acclaimed cinema caitiff
- Acclaimed reprobate
- Acclaimed heel of the silver screen
- Acclaimed silver screen reprobate
- Acclaimed movie reprobate
- Acclaimed reprobate in a movie
- Acclaimed heel
- Acclaimed reprobate of the silver screen
- Acclaimed movie heel
- Acclaimed heel in a movie
- Amalgam Comics character
- Atlas Comics character
- Baddie in a movie
- Caitiff in cinema
- Caitiff in a movie
- Caitiff of the silver screen
- Celebrated movie villain
- Celebrated villain
- Celebrated movie rascal
- Celebrated rascal
- Celebrated movie miscreant
- Celebrated silver screen rascal
- Celebrated cinema miscreant
- Celebrated miscreant
- Celebrated miscreant of the silver screen
- Celebrated rascal of the silver screen
- Celebrated movie rapscallion
- Celebrated cinema rascal
- Celebrated rascal in cinema
- Celebrated silver screen miscreant
- Celebrated rapscallion
- Celebrated miscreant in cinema
- Celebrated rapscallion of the silver screen
- Celebrated caitiff of the silver screen
- Celebrated silver screen rapscallion
- Celebrated caitiff in cinema
- Celebrated cinema rapscallion
- Celebrated rapscallion in cinema
- Celebrated movie caitiff
- Celebrated silver screen caitiff
- Celebrated caitiff
- Celebrated heel
- Celebrated movie heel
- Celebrated reprobate
- Celebrated silver screen reprobate
- Celebrated reprobate of the silver screen
- Celebrated cinema caitiff
- Celebrated reprobate in cinema
- Celebrated heel of the silver screen
- Celebrated cinema reprobate
- Celebrated movie reprobate
- Character created by Jack Kirby
- Cinema miscreant
- Cinema rascal
- Cinema rapscallion
- Cinema reprobate
- Cinema caitiff
- Favorite villain
- Fan-favourite villain in a movie
- Fan-favourite movie villain
- Fan-favorite movie villain
- Favorite villain in a movie
- Favourite villain in a movie
- Fan-favourite villain
- Favourite villain
- Fan-favorite villain
- Favorite movie villain
- Famous villain in a movie
- Favourite movie villain
- Famous movie villain
- Famous villain
- Fan-favourite baddie
- Fan-favorite baddie
- Famous baddie in a movie
- Favorite baddie
- Favourite baddie
- Fan-favourite movie rascal
- Favorite movie rascal
- Fan-favorite movie rascal
- Favourite movie rascal
- Famous rascal
- Fan-favorite rascal in a movie
- Famous rapscallion
- Favorite silver screen rascal
- Famous miscreant
- Fan-favorite movie miscreant
- Favourite cinema miscreant
- Fan-favorite silver screen miscreant
- Fan-favourite rascal
- Fan-favorite rascal of the silver screen
- Favourite rascal in a movie
- Fan-favorite silver screen rascal
- Favorite miscreant in cinema
- Fan-favourite movie rapscallion
- Famous rascal in a movie
- Famous cinema miscreant
- Famous rascal of the silver screen
- Fan-favourite movie miscreant
- Fan-favorite rascal in cinema
- Favourite rascal of the silver screen
- Favorite silver screen miscreant
- Favourite miscreant
- Famous cinema rascal
- Favorite movie rapscallion
- Favourite miscreant in a movie
- Fan-favorite miscreant in a movie
- Favorite miscreant of the silver screen
- Famous silver screen miscreant
- Favourite movie rapscallion
- Favorite rascal in a movie
- Famous miscreant in cinema
- Favourite rascal in cinema
- Favorite miscreant
- Fan-favourite miscreant in a movie
- Fan-favorite cinema miscreant
- Famous movie rapscallion
- Fan-favorite movie rapscallion
- Fan-favourite rascal of the silver screen
- Favourite cinema rascal
- Famous silver screen rascal
- Fan-favourite rascal in a movie
- Fan-favorite miscreant
- Favourite silver screen rascal
- Favourite movie miscreant
- Favourite silver screen miscreant
- Fan-favourite miscreant of the silver screen
- Fan-favorite rascal
- Fan-favourite miscreant in cinema
- Favorite cinema rascal
- Favorite movie miscreant
- Favourite miscreant of the silver screen
- Fan-favourite silver screen rascal
- Fan-favorite miscreant in cinema
- Fan-favourite rascal in cinema
- Famous rascal in cinema
- Famous movie miscreant
- Favourite miscreant in cinema
- Fan-favourite cinema rascal
- Fan-favorite cinema rascal
- Favorite rascal of the silver screen
- Fan-favourite miscreant
- Favorite miscreant in a movie
- Fan-favorite miscreant of the silver screen
- Favorite cinema miscreant
- Favourite rascal
- Famous miscreant of the silver screen
- Fan-favourite silver screen miscreant
- Favorite rascal in cinema
- Favorite rascal
- Fan-favourite cinema miscreant
- Famous miscreant in a movie
- Favorite silver screen rapscallion
- Favorite rapscallion in a movie
- Fan-favourite caitiff
- Famous cinema rapscallion
- Fan-favourite rapscallion of the silver screen
- Fan-favourite silver screen rapscallion
- Fan-favourite movie caitiff
- Fan-favorite rapscallion of the silver screen
- Fan-favorite rapscallion
- Favourite caitiff in a movie
- Favorite rapscallion
- Famous caitiff in cinema
- Famous silver screen caitiff
- Favourite rapscallion of the silver screen
- Fan-favorite cinema rapscallion
- Favourite rapscallion in cinema
- Favorite cinema rapscallion
- Favorite rapscallion of the silver screen
- Famous caitiff of the silver screen
- Favourite cinema rapscallion
- Famous caitiff in a movie
- Fan-favorite rapscallion in cinema
- Fan-favourite rapscallion
- Fan-favorite caitiff in cinema
- Fan-favorite caitiff of the silver screen
- Favorite caitiff of the silver screen
- Fan-favorite silver screen rapscallion
- Fan-favourite caitiff of the silver screen
- Favourite silver screen caitiff
- Favourite rapscallion
- Fan-favourite caitiff in a movie
- Fan-favorite caitiff in a movie
- Favourite caitiff of the silver screen
- Famous silver screen rapscallion
- Fan-favourite cinema rapscallion
- Fan-favourite rapscallion in a movie
- Fan-favorite silver screen caitiff
- Favourite caitiff
- Fan-favourite caitiff in cinema
- Favourite caitiff in cinema
- Favorite caitiff in cinema
- Favourite movie caitiff
- Favorite movie caitiff
- Fan-favourite rapscallion in cinema
- Famous movie caitiff
- Favourite silver screen rapscallion
- Fan-favourite silver screen caitiff
- Favorite silver screen caitiff
- Famous rapscallion in cinema
- Famous caitiff
- Favorite caitiff
- Favourite rapscallion in a movie
- Fan-favorite rapscallion in a movie
- Fan-favorite movie caitiff
- Famous rapscallion in a movie
- Favorite rapscallion in cinema
- Famous rapscallion of the silver screen
- Favorite caitiff in a movie
- Fan-favorite caitiff
- Famous silver screen reprobate
- Favorite movie heel
- Favorite heel
- Famous reprobate in cinema
- Famous cinema reprobate
- Famous reprobate
- Fan-favourite cinema caitiff
- Fan-favorite cinema caitiff
- Fan-favorite reprobate of the silver screen
- Fan-favourite reprobate
- Favourite reprobate of the silver screen
- Favourite heel in a movie
- Fan-favorite reprobate in cinema
- Fan-favorite movie heel
- Famous heel
- Famous heel of the silver screen
- Favourite reprobate
- Famous reprobate in a movie
- Fan-favorite movie reprobate
- Fan-favourite cinema reprobate
- Favourite cinema reprobate
- Fan-favourite movie reprobate
- Famous silver screen heel
- Famous heel in a movie
- Fan-favorite heel
- Fan-favourite silver screen reprobate
- Fan-favorite reprobate in a movie
- Fan-favourite heel of the silver screen
- Favourite movie reprobate
- Favorite reprobate in a movie
- Favourite silver screen reprobate
- Favourite reprobate in cinema
- Fan-favourite reprobate in a movie
- Fan-favourite heel in a movie
- Favorite reprobate in cinema
- Favorite cinema reprobate
- Favorite movie reprobate
- Favorite reprobate
- Fan-favourite movie heel
- Famous movie heel
- Favorite reprobate of the silver screen
- Favourite reprobate in a movie
- Fan-favorite heel of the silver screen
- Famous cinema caitiff
- Fan-favorite reprobate
- Favourite heel of the silver screen
- Fan-favorite heel in a movie
- Favourite heel
- Fan-favourite heel
- Favorite heel in a movie
- Favorite heel of the silver screen
- Fan-favourite reprobate in cinema
- Favourite cinema caitiff
- Famous reprobate of the silver screen
- Fan-favourite reprobate of the silver screen
- Famous movie reprobate
- Favorite cinema caitiff
- Fan-favorite cinema reprobate
- Fan-favorite silver screen reprobate
- Favourite movie heel
- Favorite silver screen reprobate
- Fictional character with metal ability
- Fictional orphan
- Generator
- Heel in a movie
- Heel of the silver screen
- Ian McKellen`s role in `X-Men` movies
- Iconic villain in a movie
- Iconic movie villain
- Iconic villain
- Iconic baddie in a movie
- Iconic rascal
- Iconic miscreant
- Iconic miscreant in cinema
- Iconic miscreant in a movie
- Iconic silver screen miscreant
- Iconic movie rapscallion
- Iconic silver screen rascal
- Iconic rascal in cinema
- Iconic cinema rascal
- Iconic cinema miscreant
- Iconic rapscallion
- Iconic rascal of the silver screen
- Iconic movie miscreant
- Iconic miscreant of the silver screen
- Iconic rascal in a movie
- Iconic caitiff of the silver screen
- Iconic silver screen caitiff
- Iconic rapscallion in a movie
- Iconic caitiff in cinema
- Iconic movie caitiff
- Iconic caitiff
- Iconic caitiff in a movie
- Iconic cinema rapscallion
- Iconic rapscallion in cinema
- Iconic silver screen rapscallion
- Iconic rapscallion of the silver screen
- Iconic reprobate of the silver screen
- Iconic heel in a movie
- Iconic reprobate
- Iconic movie heel
- Iconic reprobate in cinema
- Iconic cinema reprobate
- Iconic reprobate in a movie
- Iconic heel of the silver screen
- Iconic silver screen reprobate
- Iconic movie reprobate
- Iconic heel
- Iconic silver screen heel
- Iconic cinema caitiff
- Ignition-current generator
- Influential villain in a movie
- Influential movie villain
- Influential villain
- Influential baddie
- Influential movie rascal
- Influential cinema miscreant
- Influential cinema rascal
- Influential rascal in cinema
- Influential miscreant
- Influential miscreant in a movie
- Influential silver screen miscreant
- Influential rascal of the silver screen
- Influential silver screen rascal
- Influential rascal in a movie
- Influential miscreant of the silver screen
- Influential movie rapscallion
- Influential rascal
- Influential miscreant in cinema
- Influential movie miscreant
- Influential caitiff in cinema
- Influential rapscallion in a movie
- Influential caitiff of the silver screen
- Influential caitiff in a movie
- Influential cinema rapscallion
- Influential rapscallion of the silver screen
- Influential caitiff
- Influential silver screen caitiff
- Influential movie caitiff
- Influential rapscallion in cinema
- Influential rapscallion
- Influential silver screen rapscallion
- Influential reprobate in cinema
- Influential cinema reprobate
- Influential reprobate
- Influential heel
- Influential heel in a movie
- Influential heel of the silver screen
- Influential movie heel
- Influential movie reprobate
- Influential reprobate of the silver screen
- Influential cinema caitiff
- Influential silver screen reprobate
- Influential reprobate in a movie
- Lauded movie villain
- Lauded villain
- Lauded villain in a movie
- Lauded movie rascal
- Lauded rascal in cinema
- Lauded miscreant in cinema
- Lauded miscreant of the silver screen
- Lauded movie rapscallion
- Lauded movie miscreant
- Lauded rascal
- Lauded silver screen miscreant
- Lauded rascal in a movie
- Lauded silver screen rascal
- Lauded rascal of the silver screen
- Lauded cinema rascal
- Lauded cinema miscreant
- Lauded miscreant
- Lauded miscreant in a movie
- Lauded caitiff
- Lauded rapscallion in a movie
- Lauded rapscallion
- Lauded caitiff in cinema
- Lauded silver screen rapscallion
- Lauded cinema rapscallion
- Lauded caitiff of the silver screen
- Lauded rapscallion in cinema
- Lauded caitiff in a movie
- Lauded silver screen caitiff
- Lauded movie caitiff
- Lauded rapscallion of the silver screen
- Lauded reprobate of the silver screen
- Lauded movie reprobate
- Lauded reprobate in a movie
- Lauded reprobate in cinema
- Lauded cinema caitiff
- Lauded reprobate
- Lauded silver screen reprobate
- Lauded heel
- Lauded heel in a movie
- Lauded cinema reprobate
- Lauded heel of the silver screen
- Lauded movie heel
- Legendary villain
- Legendary movie villain
- Legendary villain in a movie
- Legendary movie rascal
- Legendary rascal
- Legendary rascal in a movie
- Legendary miscreant of the silver screen
- Legendary rapscallion
- Legendary movie rapscallion
- Legendary movie miscreant
- Legendary miscreant in a movie
- Legendary cinema miscreant
- Legendary silver screen rascal
- Legendary miscreant
- Legendary rascal in cinema
- Legendary cinema rascal
- Legendary miscreant in cinema
- Legendary silver screen miscreant
- Legendary rascal of the silver screen
- Legendary rapscallion in cinema
- Legendary caitiff of the silver screen
- Legendary caitiff in cinema
- Legendary caitiff in a movie
- Legendary cinema rapscallion
- Legendary rapscallion in a movie
- Legendary silver screen caitiff
- Legendary silver screen rapscallion
- Legendary rapscallion of the silver screen
- Legendary caitiff
- Legendary movie caitiff
- Legendary reprobate of the silver screen
- Legendary heel
- Legendary heel of the silver screen
- Legendary cinema reprobate
- Legendary movie heel
- Legendary heel in a movie
- Legendary reprobate
- Legendary cinema caitiff
- Legendary reprobate in cinema
- Legendary reprobate in a movie
- Legendary movie reprobate
- Legendary silver screen reprobate
- Magnetoelectric machine
- Marvel Comics villain
- Men got a charge out of it
- Miscreant in cinema
- Miscreant of the silver screen
- Miscreant in a movie
- Movie villain
- Movie miscreant
- Movie rapscallion
- Movie caitiff
- Movie reprobate
- Movie heel
- Mutant villain of Marvel Comics
- Noteworthy villain
- Noteworthy movie villain
- Notorious villain
- Notorious movie villain
- Noteworthy baddie
- Notorious baddie
- Noteworthy movie rascal
- Notorious movie rascal
- Noteworthy miscreant
- Noteworthy rascal of the silver screen
- Notorious cinema rascal
- Notorious silver screen miscreant
- Noteworthy rascal in a movie
- Notorious movie miscreant
- Noteworthy cinema miscreant
- Noteworthy miscreant in a movie
- Notorious miscreant of the silver screen
- Noteworthy movie miscreant
- Noteworthy movie rapscallion
- Noteworthy rascal in cinema
- Notorious movie rapscallion
- Notorious rascal in cinema
- Noteworthy rascal
- Notorious rascal
- Notorious miscreant in cinema
- Notorious cinema miscreant
- Notorious miscreant
- Notorious silver screen rascal
- Noteworthy silver screen miscreant
- Notorious miscreant in a movie
- Noteworthy miscreant in cinema
- Noteworthy cinema rascal
- Noteworthy silver screen rascal
- Notorious rascal of the silver screen
- Noteworthy miscreant of the silver screen
- Notorious rascal in a movie
- Noteworthy caitiff in a movie
- Noteworthy rapscallion in a movie
- Noteworthy caitiff of the silver screen
- Noteworthy caitiff
- Noteworthy movie caitiff
- Notorious caitiff in a movie
- Noteworthy cinema rapscallion
- Notorious movie caitiff
- Notorious caitiff of the silver screen
- Noteworthy rapscallion of the silver screen
- Notorious rapscallion in a movie
- Notorious rapscallion in cinema
- Notorious rapscallion of the silver screen
- Noteworthy rapscallion
- Notorious silver screen caitiff
- Notorious caitiff
- Notorious caitiff in cinema
- Noteworthy silver screen caitiff
- Notorious cinema rapscallion
- Noteworthy caitiff in cinema
- Noteworthy rapscallion in cinema
- Noteworthy silver screen rapscallion
- Notorious silver screen rapscallion
- Notorious rapscallion
- Noteworthy reprobate in cinema
- Noteworthy reprobate
- Noteworthy heel of the silver screen
- Notorious reprobate of the silver screen
- Noteworthy cinema reprobate
- Notorious cinema caitiff
- Noteworthy movie reprobate
- Notorious reprobate in a movie
- Noteworthy reprobate of the silver screen
- Noteworthy heel
- Noteworthy reprobate in a movie
- Notorious cinema reprobate
- Noteworthy heel in a movie
- Notorious reprobate in cinema
- Notorious heel in a movie
- Noteworthy movie heel
- Notorious movie reprobate
- Noteworthy silver screen reprobate
- Notorious silver screen reprobate
- Notorious heel
- Notorious movie heel
- Noteworthy cinema caitiff
- Notorious heel of the silver screen
- Notorious reprobate
- Race-car ignition device, requires no battery
- Rascal in a movie
- Rascal in cinema
- Rascal of the silver screen
- Rapscallion in a movie
- Rapscallion of the silver screen
- Rapscallion in cinema
- Renowned villain in a movie
- Renowned movie villain
- Renowned villain
- Renowned baddie in a movie
- Renowned rascal
- Renowned movie rapscallion
- Renowned rascal in cinema
- Renowned movie miscreant
- Renowned miscreant
- Renowned rascal in a movie
- Renowned silver screen rascal
- Renowned miscreant of the silver screen
- Renowned cinema miscreant
- Renowned miscreant in cinema
- Renowned cinema rascal
- Renowned silver screen miscreant
- Renowned rascal of the silver screen
- Renowned rapscallion
- Renowned miscreant in a movie
- Renowned cinema rapscallion
- Renowned silver screen rapscallion
- Renowned caitiff of the silver screen
- Renowned rapscallion in cinema
- Renowned caitiff
- Renowned rapscallion of the silver screen
- Renowned movie caitiff
- Renowned caitiff in cinema
- Renowned caitiff in a movie
- Renowned rapscallion in a movie
- Renowned silver screen caitiff
- Renowned reprobate
- Renowned silver screen reprobate
- Renowned movie reprobate
- Renowned reprobate of the silver screen
- Renowned movie heel
- Renowned heel of the silver screen
- Renowned reprobate in cinema
- Reprobate of the silver screen
- Renowned heel in a movie
- Renowned heel
- Renowned cinema reprobate
- Renowned reprobate in a movie
- Renowned cinema caitiff
- Reprobate in cinema
- Reprobate in a movie
- Silver screen miscreant
- Silver screen rascal
- Silver screen caitiff
- Silver screen rapscallion
- Silver screen reprobate
- Silver screen heel
- Small electric generator
- Small generator
- Type of dynamo
- Villain in the `X-Men` movies
- Villain in a movie
- X-Men character
- X-Men villain
Definitions of “magneto”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• (electrical) People educated at Treorchy Comprehensive School
• Magneto An electric generator containing one or more permanent magnets
• A high-tension spark generator for the ignition system that does not require an external power sourc
• A high-tension spark generator for the ignition system that does not require an external power source
• A magneto is an electrical generator that uses permanent magnets to produce periodic pulses of alternating current
• Permanent-magnet generator mainly employed for ignition of compressed gasses in internal combustion engines
• (generator) A magneto is an electrical generator that uses permanent magnets to produce alternating current
• Simple electric generator, often used to provide the electricity for the ignition system of motorcycles and used in early cars
• A simple electrical AC generator based on a rotating permanent magnet which induces (see electromagnetic induction a current in a coil
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