malmö (Crossword)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Malmö” but we did find clues
where “Malmö” could be the answer:
- Considerable city of Europe
- Considerable city in Sweden
- Considerable European city
- Considerable city in Europe
- European grand city
- European populous city
- European major city
- European substantial city
- European considerable city
- European city
- European large city
- European extensive city
- Extensive city in Sweden
- Extensive city in Europe
- Extensive European city
- Extensive city of Europe
- Grand city of Europe
- Grand European city
- Grand city in Sweden
- Grand city in Europe
- Large city in Sweden
- Large city in Europe
- Large European city
- Large city of Europe
- Major city in Sweden
- Major European city
- Major city of Europe
- Major city in Europe
- Populous European city
- Populous city in Sweden
- Populous city of Europe
- Populous city in Europe
- Substantial European city
- Substantial city in Europe
- Substantial city of Europe
- Substantial city in Sweden
- Trading post of the Hanseatic League
Definitions of “malmö”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• Industrial port (shipbuilding, engineering, textiles) in southwestern Sweden
• Malmö (sv-Malmö.ogg) is the capital and most populous city in Skåne County
• The Malmo was a Swedish Goteborg Class destroyer of 1040 tons displacement launched in 1938
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