mammals (Crossword)
We didn't find an exact match for “Mammals” but these clues may be related:
- Mammals-to-be ( = OVA)
- SA mammals ( = PACAS)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Mammals” but we did find clues
where “Mammals” could be the answer:
- Aardvarks
- Aardvarks and zebras
- Bears and beavers
- Cougars and kangaroos
- English play
- Mater`s left inside, being bats
- Mice and men
- Mice and whales
- Milk-producing animals
- Sheep and goats
- Warm-blooded creatures
- Warmblooded group
- Whales and walruses
- Whales and wombats
- Zoo categories
- Zoo department
These clues may also be related:
- Mature male of various mammals ( = BUCK)
- Mature female of mammals of which the male is called `bull` ( = COWS)
- Mature female of mammals of which the male is called `buck` ( = DOES)
- Massive mammals ( = RHINOS)
- Massive herbivorous mammals having tusks and a long trunk (2 words, e.g. PROBOSCIDEAN)
- Masked mammals ( = COONS)
- Marine mammals that lack blubber ( = OTTERS)
- Marine mammals hunted for their coats ( = FUR SEALS)
- Marine mammals (3 words, e.g. CETES)
- Mammals` muzzles ( = SNOUTS)
Definitions of “mammals”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• Animals that give milk to young and have hair
• Warm-blooded vertebrate animals belonging to the class mammalia
• Animals that are warm-blooded, have hair on their bodies
• Animals belonging to the class of vertebrates that are warm-blooded
• Are characterised by a number of attributes including having mammary glands (boobs!)
More crossword answers
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Also look at the related clues for crossword clues with similar answers to “mammals”