mange (Crossword)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Mange” but we did find clues
where “Mange” could be the answer:
- Affects domestic animals
- Affliction affecting Fido
- Affliction causing loss of hair
- Animal disease
- Bad lab test result
- Boxer`s bother
- Canine ailment caused by mites
- Canine disease
- Canine problem
- Case for a vet
- Cause of fur loss
- Coat spoiler
- Cope with losing a disorder
- Cur`s curse
- Cur`s malady
- Cur`s woe
- Disease of dogs
- Disorder causing loss of fur
- Dog bane
- Dog disease
- Dog woe
- Dog`s itchiness
- Dog`s skin disease
- Dog disease
- Eat: Fr
- French word in the English language
- French word used in English
- Hair loss cause
- It makes Fido nag me
- Itchy canine ailment
- Itchy dog`s problem, sometimes
- Itchy pooch ailment
- Lab coat ruiner
- Lab irritant
- Lab woe
- Mutt`s malady
- Mutt`s mite malady
- Mutt`s skin problem
- Mutt`s woe
- Pet complaint
- Pet disorder
- Pet problem
- Pet`s plague
- Pooch`s problem
- Problem for Fido
- Stray`s affliction
- Veterinarian`s diagnosis
- Wirehair`s woe
- Woofer`s woe
Definitions of “mange”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• A skin disease caused by a parasitic mite
• A contagious skin condition caused by burrowing mites
• Mange is British slang for rotten, mouldy, bad
• The scab or itch in cattle, dogs, and other beasts
• Mange dʒ is a class of skin diseases caused by parasitic mites
• Mange is a cutaneous disease to which dogs, horses, cattle
• (mānj) a skin disease of domestic animals, due to mites
• See: Mangy) The scab or itch in cattle, dogs, and other beasts
• Skin disease of animals caused by mite infestations, characterized by inflammation, itching
• A persistent and contagious disease of the skin causing inflammation and itching and loss of hair
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