Mercury (Crossword clue)

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MERCURY - A day on this hot planet lasts longer than a year
MERCURY - This is the only metal which is liquid at room temperature

We found 7 answers for “Mercury” .

This page shows answers to the clue Mercury, followed by ten definitions like “Sprightly or mercurial quality”, “Mercury is a cultivated variety of potato” and “The first planet in order from the sun”.


Definitions of “Mercury”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.

• The first planet in order from the sun
• To wash with a preparation of mercury
• A metal, component of amalgam fillings
• First planet from the sun, a terrestrial planet
• Heavy, silver-grey, metallic element, atomic number 80
• Mercury was the Roman name for the Greek god Hermes
• The planet nearest to the sun in our solar system
• In Roman religion, god of merchandise and merchants
• Temperature measured by a mercury thermometer
A further 25 definitions can be found on Encyclo

More crossword answers
We found 7 answers and 2 “crossword-did-you-knows” for the crossword clue Mercury . A further 50 clues may be related.

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