micronesia (Crossword)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Micronesia” but we did find clues
where “Micronesia” could be the answer:
- Country
- Country east of the Philippines
- Country whose capital is Palikir
- Federated states of micronesia
- Land
- Mariana Islands region
- Marshall islands site
- Region in Oceania
- State
- Tt
- Wake Island`s region
- Where the Gilbert Islands are
Definitions of “micronesia”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• The islands in the northwestern part of Oceania
• Micronesia Related 'few, small, less, little' word units: mini-
• (group of islands) Group of islands in the Pacific Ocean lying north of Melanesia
• A country scattered over Micronesia with a constitutional government in free association with the United States
• The collective name for islands of the pacific ocean east of the philippines, including the mariana, palau, caroline
• Federated States of Micronesia a country scattered over Micronesia with a constitutional government in free association with the United States
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