morton (Crossword)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Morton” but we did find clues
where “Morton” could be the answer:
- Benjamin Harrison`s V.P
- City in North America
- City in the Americas
- City in the US
- City in the USA
- City in Illinois
- City in the United States
- English boy name
- English surname
- Famed producer Shadow
- Ferdinand joseph la menthe morton
- Girl-with-an-umbrella brand
- Harrison`s running mate, 1888
- Harrison`s V.P
- Jazz musician
- Jazz pianist Jelly Roll
- Jazzman
- Jazzy Jelly Roll
- Jelly roll morton
- Jelly roll of jazz
- Longtime CBS/CNN newsman Bruce
- Masculine given name
- Salt brand with an umbrella girl
- Salt seller
- Surname of Lowland Scottish origin
- Umbrella girl`s brand
- When it rains, it pours salt brand
Definitions of “morton”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• Dudley J., U.S. orthopedist, 1884-1960
• 1824–1920, vice president of the U.S. 1889–93
• 1819–68, U.S. dentist: first to employ ether as an anesthetic
• Morton is a retainer of the Earl of Northumberland in King Henry IV part II
• United States jazz musician who moved from ragtime to New Orleans jazz (1885-1941)
• Jelly Roll Morton United States jazz musician who moved from ragtime to New Orleans jazz (1885-1941)
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