Mottled (Crossword clue)

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We found 9 answers for “Mottled” .

This page shows answers to the clue Mottled, followed by 6 definitions like “Spotted or blotched in coloring”, “Marked with spots of different colors” and “Spotted or speckled with different tints or colors”. Synonyms for Mottled are for example blemished, blotchy and dappled. More synonyms can be found below the puzzle answers.

Definitions of “Mottled”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.

• Spotted or speckled with different tints or colors
• (Literary terms) having spots or patches of color
• A defect in cheese appearance characterized by an irregular
• Any material that contains spots of different colors or shades
• Pattern of dark roundish blotches on a lighter background
• Plumage where a percentage of feathers are tipped with white
• Bi-coloured coat consisting of dark patches on lighter background

Synonyms of “Mottled”
Using a synonym can be a good alternative for using “Mottled”. You might be able to find more answers by using these:
blemished, blotchy, dappled, discoloured, freckled, marked, patterned, red, reddened, speckled and spotty.

More crossword answers
We found 9 answers for the crossword clue Mottled . A further 34 clues may be related.

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