mps (Crossword)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Mps” but we did find clues
where “Mps” could be the answer:
- Army base cops
- Army cops
- Army cops (short)
- Army lawmen
- Army police
- AUS cops
- Awol apprehenders
- AWOL arresters
- AWOL catchers
- Awol chasers
- Awol finders
- Awol hunters
- Awol nabbers
- Awol pursuers
- Awol seekers
- Awol trackers
- AWOL`s nemeses
- Awol`s pursuers
- Awol-hunters
- Banes of AWOL`s
- Base cops
- Base cops (briefly)
- Base enforcement gp
- Base enforcers
- Base enforcers (briefly)
- Base force (briefly)
- Base fuzz
- Base patrollers
- British electees (briefly)
- British lawmakers
- British legislators
- British pols
- British VIPs
- Brits in the House of Commons
- Certain Army men
- Certain legislators
- Certain statesmen
- Cops in helmets
- Cops on base
- Cops who catch AWOLs
- Corps cops
- Court-martial security
- Crime-fighting GIs
- Figures in Whitehall
- Fort Benning constabulary
- GI constabulary
- Gi cops
- Gitmo guards
- House of Commons figs
- House of Commons VIPs
- Hunters of AWOL`s
- Iraq war personnel
- Law-and-order GI's
- Lords et al., in Brit
- Lords of the House, initially
- Military cops
- Mononuclear phagocyte system
- Ottawa pols
- Ottawa VIPs
- Participants in Britain`s question time (briefly)
- Police groups
- Policemen of a sort
- Pursuers of AWOLs
- Rounders-up of AWOLs
- Soldier cops
- Soldiers busy on January 1
- Some army men (briefly)
- Some Gitmo guards
- System
- System of macrophages
- They arrest AWOL`s
- They dog AWOL`s
- They patrol the bases
- They track down AWOL soldiers
- UK pols
- UK solons
- UK election winners
- UK lawmakers
- Uk legislators
- US Army cops
- Us army guards
- USMC enforcers
Definitions of “mps”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• Medical Protection Society
• Metropolitan Police Service
• Michigan Psychoanalytic Society
• Multiprocessor Specification
• See Mail Preference Service
• Maritime Prepositioning Ships (US)
• Medical Products Sales (periodical
• Abbreviation for mononuclear phagocyte system
• MPS: Abbreviation for mucopolysaccharidosis
• MultiProcessor Specification / Meters per second
A further 6 definitions can be found on Encyclo
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