muddler (Crossword)

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We didn't find answers to the clue “Muddler” but we did find clues where “Muddler” could be the answer:
  1. A miller`s thumb
  2. A person who muddles or muddles through
  3. Bartending equipment
  4. Stick for stirring

Definitions of “muddler”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.

• One who, or that which, muddles
• Normally a deer hair headed fly
• A person who muddles or muddles through
• Where a cocktail requires some of the ingredients to be muddled
• A swizzle stick with an enlarged tip for stirring drinks

Synonyms of “muddler”
Using a synonym can be a good alternative for using “muddler”. You might be able to find more answers by using these:
sad sack

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