mudra (Crossword)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Mudra” but we did find clues
where “Mudra” could be the answer:
- Buddhist practice
- Carnatic music
- Czech surname
- Gesture
- Gesture used in Indian dancing
- Hand gesture
- Hindu dance gesture
- Hindu ritual movement
- Indian dancing gesture
- Japanese martial arts terminology
- Ritual hand movement in hindu religious dancing
Definitions of “mudra”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• Mud (joy, ra (to give
• Ritual hand movement in Hindu religious dancing
• A mudrā (ɑː; Sanskrit: मुद्रा `seal`
• In Hindu religious dance, any of a number of ritualized body gestures
• (music) Mudra is the unique signature of a Carnatic music composer
• Hand movement mainly of the fingers, capable of expressing ideas and emotions
• Any of a series of arm and hand positions expressing an attitude or action of the deity
• Any of various similar gestures used in India's classical dancing to represent specific feelings
• Literally means 'gesture' - mudra expresses and channelizes cosmic energy within the mind and body
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